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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

On-line version ISSN 1025-0255


PEREZ-NICOLAES, Wilson Antonio  and  NICOLAES-HERNANDEZ, María Georgina. Analysis of sexual activity in the el derly at the Este University Polyclinic. Arch méd Camagüey [online]. 2024, vol.28  Epub Mar 20, 2024. ISSN 1025-0255.


The social context in which the majority of older adults live leads them to risk situations, conditions or health problems with specific physical, psychological and social consequences that also affect their sexuality and that must be addressed in practice.


To analyze sexual activity in older adults at the East University Polyclinic between January 2021 and July 2023.


An observational, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out in the East University Polyclinic. The universe consisted of 9936 patients according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It was worked with 103 patients selected through simple random sampling. Outpatient clinical records were the secondary source of information. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The data was presented in tables and graphs.


Those over 74 years of age represented 13.6 % of them; 8.4 % showed inactive sexual activity. 48.7 % were male. Those who did not have sexual attraction were 9.7 %. Of the patients studied with active sexual activity, 33, or 21.4 %, had sexual activity every two weeks, while 24 (15.6 %) had sexual activity weekly.


Neurological disorders as associated diseases, as well as drugs that inhibit sexual arousal, accompanied by a history of sexual dysfunction as risk factors, prevented the normal development of sexual activity in the elderly studied. Low sexual appetite and lack of sexual attraction, as well as widowhood status, were significantly associated with sexual inactivity.


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