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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

On-line version ISSN 1025-0255


PATINO-GOMEZ, Keiler; MOYA-ROSA, Enrique Joaquín  and  TAPIA-MESA, Gustavo. Hematological alterations in the large burned patient. Arch méd Camagüey [online]. 2024, vol.28  Epub Apr 23, 2024. ISSN 1025-0255.


The serious burns alter of significant way the hematological and coagulation parameters.


To describe the hematological alterations in the large burned patient.


A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was carried out for the sake of describing the main hematological alterations in the large burned patient, once 2020 were deposited in the Manuel Ascunce Domenech's Universitary Hospital service of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology, of the City Camagüey, during the period understood between May, 2020 to April, 2022. They studied 38 patients in those who they had in account variables: hematological alteration, corporal burned-out surface, index forecast, state to the discharge.


Of the patients with 30 % or more of corporal burned-out surface (12 in total) the 91.66 % presented anemia. Anemia was found with more frequency in the patient classified as very serious condition, 11 patients that represent the 28.95 %, it is from standing out that the patients with this severity rate constituted the majority in this series, 19 for a 50 %. In 23 of the sick persons of this series they presented leukocytal alterations. Leucocytosis was found in 44.73 % of the patients, and leukopenia in six patients which represented 15.79 %. In 23.68 % of the patients the presence of thrombocytopenia was observed.


Hematological alterations influence the good progress of burned patients, and if not treated in a timely manner can lead to death.


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