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On-line version ISSN 1729-8091


MORERA-MENDEZ, Danieyi  and  MORERA-CRUZ, Eddy. The motivation to study of History. EduSol [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.70, pp. 1-13.  Epub Feb 17, 2020. ISSN 1729-8091.

The objective of the article is explained: to explain the importance of motivating students to study History based on the scientific problem: how to contribute to the motivation of students of pedagogical careers towards the learning of the History of Cuba? An analysis is made of the importance of motivating the study of history through the daily work of the teacher, the skills he develops in the students, and the functions he has as a subject and science. It is concluded that the study of history affects the integral and humanistic formation of the student and responsible social behavior. All this based on applied research methods such as theoretical-level methods (Historical-Analytical-Synthetic, System-based and Inductive-deductive), empirical (Observation, Interview, Documentary analysis, Methodological triangulation) and mathematicians (Descriptive statistics).

Keywords : Motivation; Extrinsic motivation; Intrinsic motivation; Motivation towards the study..

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