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Revista Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina

On-line version ISSN 2308-0132


MORENO-SALAZAR-CALDERON, Khiara Aliyah Bet; LANCHIPA-ALE, Teresa Margarita  and  LUQUE-ZUNIGA, Bret Gary. Food Safety in the Time of COVID-19: A View from the Hydrobiological Resources’ Production Chain. Estudios del Desarrollo Social [online]. 2021, vol.9, n.1  Epub Apr 01, 2021. ISSN 2308-0132.

Food security during COVID-19 has been affected internationally, in the social and economic aspects of the fishing sector. This article presents how COVID-19 has impacted on the system that makes up the activity of fishing and aquaculture, these being a source of proteins and nutrients, which contribute to the food safety of the different countries of the world. At the same time, the benefits of this event are addressed, highlighting the decrease in fishing effort, the resurgence of jobs, and the implementation of fishing policies for the recovery of aquatic species. Regarding the methodology used, this consisted of the compilation and analysis of scientific articles and public domain publications from different institutions. As a result, it is considered that the link that makes up the fishing production chain most impacted by COVID-19 was small-scale fishing, which provides hydrobiological resources for direct human consumption and is therefore recognized for its contribution to preventing food insecurity.

Keywords : COVID-19; fishing; hydrobiological resources; food safety.

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