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Educación Médica Superior

On-line version ISSN 1561-2902


ESPIN FALCON, Julio César et al. Update about the contents regarding performance and medical-legal responsibility in primary health care. Educ Med Super [online]. 2020, vol.34, n.1  Epub May 11, 2020. ISSN 1561-2902.


Family physicians must master the methodology to develop health actions that allow adequate performance and medical-legal responsibility, to give an effective response to these problems.


To describe the update of the contents related to performance and medical-legal responsibility of family physicians in primary health care, based on the review of the book Medicina General Integral. Salud y Medicina [General Comprehensive (Family) Medicine. Health and Medicine] in its 2014 edition.


A descriptive, educational research was carried out. Theoretical and empirical methods (revision guide) were used, based on the bibliographic and documentary review, with the purpose of identifying the coherence between the contents on performance and medical-legal responsibility in primary health care, presented in Medicina General Integral. Salud y Medicina [General Comprehensive (Family) Medicine. Health and Medicine] (2014) and the new contents of the course Care Management at level of the family doctor’s and nurse’s office, of the specialist under training.


The contents of Decree-Law No. 234, of the Maternity Leave of the Worker Woman, medical prescription and certification for controlled medicines were updated, new ones were introduced based on the CIE10, medical diets certificates and the certificate of first-aid assistance of an injured person in correspondence with the syllabus of the specialty General Comprehensive (Family) Medicine.


The contents on performance and medical-legal responsibility in primary health care were updated from the book Medicina General Integral. Salud y Medicina [General Comprehensive (Family) Medicine. Health and Medicine] (2014), which permitted to achieve a total correspondence with the contents of the syllabus of the specialty. The inclusion of the CIE in the specialty syllabus should be assessed.

Keywords : primary health care; professional responsibility; syllabuses.

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