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Ingeniería Electrónica, Automática y Comunicaciones

versión On-line ISSN 1815-5928


CARDOSO, Eileen; FERNANDEZ, Adel; MARRERO-OSORIO, Sergio A.  y  GUARDADO, Pablo F.. Kinematic and Dynamic Models for a 4-DOF robot. EAC [online]. 2017, vol.38, n.3, pp. 56-75. ISSN 1815-5928.

In this work the kinematic and dynamic models of an industrial robot of four degrees of freedom is obtained. The kinematic model is validated through an experimental platform, a microcontroller and a high-level computer program. Based on the dynamic model, the load capacity of the manipulator are determined. The main references for the analysis of industrial robots are taken into account and a discussion of the results of several simulations is made. The models are applicable to manipulators with the same morphology in order to design mechanisms, components and controllers.

Palabras clave : robotic manipulator; industrial robotic; kinematic model; dynamic model.

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