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vol.27 número1La familia y su participación en la universalización de la Educación SuperiorPreparación de los profesores que imparten la práctica docente en la asignatura Clínica IV índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Educación Médica Superior

versión impresa ISSN 0864-2141


MARTINEZ ISAAC, Jorge Alberto; MENDOZA RODRIGUEZ, Humberto  y  VALCARCEL IZQUIERDO, Norberto. Curricular design of the clinical-surgical nursing diploma's course for the Cuban health system. Educ Med Super [online]. 2013, vol.27, n.1, pp. 64-74. ISSN 0864-2141.

A research study was made to submit a curricular design of a postgraduate course in clinical-surgical nursing, in response to the learning requirements of nursing in these services and to the health demands of patients. This proposal stems from the need of postgraduate upgrading in these services and of guaranteeing the quality of care. The main methods were documentary review, national workshops, modeling and system approach, all of which allowed making the curricular design for professional and human improvement of the nursing resources. The proposal intends to prepare these professionals and update their knowledge on specialized care to patients in one of the most comprehensive and complex areas of health care. As far as we have researched, there are no previous specific proposals in terms of postgraduate studies for these services. The current proposal of curricular design took as a basis a system of specialized professional competencies.

Palabras clave : postgraduate; nursing; clinical and surgical nursing; curricular design; advanced education; pedagogic dimensions.

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