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Ciencia y Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 2223-1773

Ciencia y Deporte vol.8 no.2 Camagüey mayo.-ago. 2023  Epub 03-Ago-2023 

Original article

A Theoretical Approximation of Specific Professional Competency Technical Volleyball Training Management

0000-0002-1267-1667Juan Alberto Garcés Martínez1  *  , 0000-0001-8327-0222Jorge Luis Mateo Sánchez1  , 0000-0002-4384-3150Esteban Juan Pérez Hernández1 

1Facultad de Cultura Física y Deporte. Universidad de Holguín. Holguín, Cuba.



The specific professional competency technical training management of elementary Volleyball teachers plays a critical role in the teaching-learning process of this sport, integrating the system of knowledge into a whole, in order to achieve efficient educational performance.


A study was done in relation to the conceptualization and dimensions of the specific professional competency technical training management of the Volleyball teachers in the 11-12-year-old category, in the province of Holguin.


The scientific literature was reviewed in English and Spanish (Google Scholar) and linked to specific professional competencies of the sports teachers. The information was classified and arranged depending on the main topic.


the concept of specific professional competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers at the base, as well as its dimensions made by the specific technical

ompetency (knowing how to learn), specific methodological competency (knowing what to do), and specific personal competency (knowing how to perform) related to the technical training of Volleyball teachers.


The definition of the concept of competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers, was determined, along with its dimensions, which will permit more accurate training actions and a more comprehensive performance assessment.

Key words: Specific professional competencies; technical training management; volleyball teacher.


Professional competencies, to experts, are a model that permits foreseeing current changes and challenges (Fernández, 2012; Tejada, 2013; and Lara (2016). Accordingly, there is a pressing need for favoring professional practices and designing competency standards at the work places, which is critical in professional training Salas, (2012); Salas, Díaz, & Pérez, (2013); Salas, Díaz, & Pérez, (2014), Lara (2016). Several different studies highlight the relevance of professional competency-based work, placing them as the main element required to achieve higher performance through the assessing research done by Zapatero, González, & Campos, (2013); Thomas, Silverman, & Nelson, (2015), prior, during, and upon finishing the teaching-learning process, according to Barroso, Calero, and Sánchez, (2015); Barroso, Sánchez Calero, Recalde, Montero, Delgado, (2015) and Lara (2016).

The initial epistemological study showed a number of international research papers linked to specific professional competencies of the sports coaches, such as Jiménez Soto (2001) and Boned (2004), who studied the general competencies of the Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports, though only in the area of sports performance. Boned et al. (2004) studied the desirable personal competencies of a Bachelor of Science in the field of Physical Activity and Sports, in which three very distinct profiles have been dealt with. The high-performance sports trainer, the coaches in the intermediate class, and those in the base categories. The third one is thought of as significant considering their singularities.

Another author that refers to the professional competencies of the Physical Education teachers and sports coaches is Isla Alcocer (2006), who described a series of competencies for both professionals. Though it could be considered a pioneer, they only described the phenomenon, rather than providing a way for determination beyond observation. Besides, Fraile Aranda, Diego Vallejo, and Boada Grau (2011) referred to the profiles of the junior sports technicians in the European context, such as in Portugal, France, Italy, and Spain. They also assessed the different existing profiles (traditional, technological, innovative, collaborative, dialoguer, and critical), being the critical the most highly regarded one, followed by the critical, and the innovative ones. However, as in the previous studies, they did not provide information on the form or ways used for development. The review evidenced the limited number of studies on the development of specific professional competencies at the base, internationally, with no pedagogic approach.

In Cuba, several studies on professional competencies have been conducted in the area of Physical Culture and Sports, though they do not get into the specifics of each field, depending on the professional roles in a successful environment. Research done by Rumbos, Reyes, and Bosque (2009) detailed various methodological parameters of analysis for sports coaches, though this study embraced the idea that the indicators per se do not improve the content of specific professional competencies, as well as the coaches' roles and obligations. They must be used to enhance the coaches' professional performance.

Other studies done by Garcés, (2020), Garcés (2021) are referents for the design of a methodological strategy to enhance the pedagogic competency of volleyball teachers in the junior categories, along with the profile of the methodological competency of these coaches. However, further research has not been done in relation to the specific professional competency technical training management of the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers.

Accordingly, this paper aims to conduct a theoretical study in relation to the conceptualization and dimensions of the specific professional competency technical training management of the Volleyball teachers in the 11-12 class.


The scientific literature was reviewed in English and Spanish and linked to specific professional competencies of the sports teachers. The information was classified and arranged depending on the main topic.


Studies of professional competencies in physical activity and sports are recent. A review of this topic evidenced that there have been different conceptions, based on terminology like functions, tasks, characteristics, roles, capacities, and others, though they all move in the same direction (García, 1999; Garcés de los Fayos, 2004; Hechavarría and Paulas, 2006; Hechavarría, 2008; Rumbos, Reyes, and Bosque, 2009; Viciana and Zabala, 2014; Moreno, 2017, and Lara, 2018 and Lara 2020).

In general terms, these authors recognize that the determination of professional competencies demands knowledge of professional functions, responsibilities, or roles of the particular professionals who run a given process. For instance, Hechavarría y Paula, (2006) referred that depending on the role, sports coaches should know about the techniques of the sport they teach, the theory, and the methodology of sports training, as well as pedagogy and age psychology, sport-applied sciences, and talent selection. Meanwhile, upon reviewing the functions and responsibilities of high-performance sports coaches, Hechavarría, (2008) noted that they must plan, organize, and run their pedagogic activity. Lara, (2018-Lara 2020) claimed that depending on the functions of a sports teacher at the base, the specific technical competencies required should be linked to knowing what to do and specific personal competencies, like knowing how to perform.

Accordingly, what is a sports teacher in the context of sports initiation at early ages? This paper follows the concept given by Lara (2018), in that the sports teacher is the educator that runs the process of individual education through knowledge and practice of a measured physical activity, with a ludic and recreational profile, which encompasses a possible future performance in the mid and long-term, thus ensuring proper sports educational orientation, and proper formation of the children engaged in it.

However, this study embraces the concept given in the discipline Sports Theory and Practice, from the Physical Culture and Sports Degree, Syllabus E. In it, the sports teacher is the person working at the base with Sports for All, which is offered at the sports facilities and areas, and at the starter stage of long-term sports training directed to subjects with exceptional physical and athletic capacities that includes children and adolescents, through planning, selection, dosage, organization, implementation, control, and evaluation of the process.

Hence, stemming from the several functions to be performed by sports teachers at the base, many of the previous aspects constitute competencies or items related to them (general), while other aspects (specific) need determination, depending on the particular job of the sports teacher. In this particular case, attention is directed to the 11-12-year-old category volleyball teachers working at the sports facilities.

In recent years, professional competencies in Physical Culture and Sports have gained relevance and connotation thanks to the studies of Font (2017), who focused on the formation and development of competencies to manage the psychological component. Lara (2018 and Lara 2020) defined several parameters by competency for the sports teachers of ball-related activities, with improvement actions, whereas Garcés (2021) dealt with determining the methodological competency profile of the base volleyball teacher. These authors have studied competencies from different perspectives, and stressed their importance as the activities that help perform a profession and assess professional performance.

The analysis of various concepts of specific professional competencies revealed that the concept given by Martínez (2021), which contextualizes the volleyball teacher to manage technical training, was the most suitable for this research. It relies on a combination of palpable characteristics of individuals (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that enable proper leadership performance by including the set of knowledge (knowing how to learn, what to do, and how to perform), to manage the technical training of volleyball players, which articulates the teacher's cognitive, procedural, and affective-motivational components for a more rational use of every means, method, procedure, and organizational form to improve the performance of the acquisition and development of basic skills, and the expected results from the base.

Therefore, they are part of the different essential competencies in volleyball teaching and development of the volleyball player technical preparedness, as to the skills, knowledge, and values observed through their performance.

Considering that the object of this study is the specific professional competency technical training management of the volleyball teacher in the 11-12-year-old category, with a competency-based approach that defines the competency, the parameters relevance and structure needed as part of the training strategy can be determined.

The description of specific professional competencies permits the creation of educative programs to achieve greater adjustment between individuals and their posts. Lara, (2016) noted that having them is necessary and significant for the promotion and recruiting of professionals. A number of well-designed specific professional competencies indicate the key to process evolution for training developers.

Rumbos, Reyes, and Bosque (2009), found that the analysis of posts or the analysis of specific professional competencies facilitates the recruiting and selection of the staff. The analysis of work posts, and particularly, their specification, permits the design of a profile and helps determine the most suitable professionals for the job. It provides transparency of the selection process, as a bidirectional selection process between the organization and the individual. It guides the professional training process, and it constitutes an invaluable instrument for assessing performance. Moreover, it influences key behavioral factors linked to the organization of individuals, such as motivation and satisfaction.

In short, there are many advantages attributed to the use of specific professional competencies, including formation and training, where studying is emphasized. It also shows that its limited use in the 11-12-year-old category in volleyball is dependent on theoretical flaws that need addressing.

Therefore, knowing the classification of professional competencies is necessary, as they can be used to run the technical training of the 11-12-year-old class volleyball teacher. They can be found in the literature as conceptual, technical, or human (Tejada, 2009). Technical, methodological, social, and participatory (Lara, 2020). Basic, generic, and specific KNOWING, 2001, and Mertens, 1997). Generic and specific (Tuning, 2003; Corominas, 2006; and González and González Tirados, 2008).

As can be seen, there is a diverse classification of professional competencies, which, depending on the purpose of the researcher, one or another type, or even a combination of some, will be assumed. In this particular case, the purpose is to define the volleyball teacher's specific professional competencies to manage the technical training at the base, the classification given by Lara (2020) is assumed. It integrates two of the above classifications to obtain a conceptual approximation of the professional competencies of the soccer coach in the 13-15-year-old category. In turn, this study tackles the 11-12-year-old volleyball teacher at the base considering their generality and specificity according to their functions.

The inclusion of both classifications results in the following professional competencies: 1. Technical generic or specific competency. 2. Methodological generic or specific competency. 3. Participatory generic or specific competency. 4. Personal generic or specific competency. Simultaneously, a similar process takes place to evaluate and develop these competencies; that is, during the training or in competition. Since this study focuses on the utilization of specific professional competencies of the sports teacher, and that they have been pooled in technical, methodological, and personal, the definition given by Lara (2020) of soccer was extrapolated to volleyball, as follows:

A) A specific technical-generic competency for the technical management of the 11-12-year-old class volleyball teacher.

Specialized theoretical knowledge of the volleyball teacher to run the technical training during the initial formation of teaching and development and/o competition by the 11-12-year-old volleyball athletes. It is associated with knowing how to learn all the theory and applied sciences to teach the technical skills of the players.

B) A specific methodological-generic competency for the technical management of the 11-12-year-old class volleyball teacher.

To be capable of using specialized knowledge of the volleyball teacher to run the technical training during the initial formation of teaching and development and/o competition by the 11-12-year-old volleyball athletes. It is associated with knowing what to do; that is, everything related to the teacher's skills and capacities to teach the basic skills of volleyball.

C) A specific personal-generic competency for the technical management of the 11-12-year-old class volleyball teacher.

Knowing how to perform, in accordance with the system of values encouraged by the management of the technical training during the initial formation and development and/or competition in the 11-12-year-old volleyball category.


There are theoretical shortcomings that hinder the utilization of the specific professional competency technical training management of the volleyball teachers in the 11-12 class for better performance.

The definition of the concept of competency technical training management of the 11-12 class volleyball teachers was determined, along with its dimensions, which will permit more accurate training actions and a more comprehensive performance assessment.


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Received: January 10, 2023; Accepted: February 02, 2023

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