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Medicentro Electrónica

versión On-line ISSN 1029-3043


MARTINEZ ASANZA, Dachel; GBENOU MORGAN, Yurian  y  ROSALES REYES, Sol Ángel. Gerodontology: introduction of a new term in the subject "Comprehensive family care II". Medicentro Electrónica [online]. 2020, vol.24, n.1, pp. 149-158. ISSN 1029-3043.


the subject "Comprehensive family care II" of the Dentistry career in Cuba does not use the term "Gerodontology", as used in scientific literature worldwide; this one only uses the term "Geriatric Dentistry" which has a different meaning since the first one has a preventive approach according to the health actions to be performed by the dentist.


to base the proposal for the use of the term "Gerodontology" in the teaching-learning process of the subject "Comprehensive family care II" of the Dentistry career in Cuba.


a bibliographic review was carried out using Ebsco, Pubmed and SciELO databases. The Study Programme and the Program of the subject "Comprehensive family care II" were revised, and the omission of the term "Gerodontology" was identified in the subtopic: "The geriatric patient ".


the use of the term “Gerodontology”, contextualized in the study programme of the Dentistry career in Cuba, should not replace the concept of "Geriatric Dentistry", since the use of both terms is valid. The importance of the term "Gerodontology" was based on the subtopic: "The geriatric patient", belonging to the subject "Comprehensive family care II", in addition to the use of the concept "Geriatric Dentistry", since they have different meanings.

Palabras clave : dental care for aged; education, dental; programs of study.

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