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Revista Cubana de Reumatología

versión On-line ISSN 1817-5996


DEL CAMPO AVILES, Eduardo. Knowing a temple of love and beauty. Rev Cuba Reumatol [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.3, pp. 219-222. ISSN 1817-5996.

Article that narrates the visit of the conferees of the scientific event Reuma-CIMEQ 2013 to the cultural center of Jaimanitas, its impressions and uncountable with the painter and ceramist José Fuster, main booster of this beautiful cultural experience, supported by the relatives' universe, nearby and from the same country that have developed a cultural expression of the high one of social participation

Palabras clave : José Fúster; cultural center of Jaimanitas; scientific event Reuma-CIMEQ 2013.

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