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Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física

versión On-line ISSN 1996-2452

Rev Podium vol.19 no.1 Pinar del Río ene.-abr. 2024  Epub 23-Abr-2024


Original article

Inclusion and adaptation in Physical Education: strategies for the participation of students with disabilities

0009-0004-2237-5513Edgar Gustavo Chuquimarca Males1  *  , 0000-0002-1450-554XNéstor Fernando Gualacata Cachimuel2  , 0009-0008-3694-574XJorge Luis Serrano Aguilar3  , 0009-0001-8484-3640Lena Cleotilde López Orozco4  , 0000-0003-4413-3393Efrén Mesías Palacios Zumba5 

1Colegio Técnico Sucre. Ecuador.

2Unidad Educativa Comunitaria Intercultural Bilingüe Kitukara. Ecuador.

3Universidad Técnica de Machala. Ecuador.

4Unidad Educativa "Quisapincha". Ecuador

5Universidad Central del Ecuador. Ecuador.


The union of theory and practice is crucial for equitable teaching, and flexible and effective strategies are required to ensure inclusion. The objective of this article was to propose strategies for the participation of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes. Twenty-two works focused on inclusion strategies for Physical Education were reviewed in the SciELO, Google Academic and Dialnet databases. Based on the results obtained, the systematization was carried out and strategies were designed to improve the learning experience and promote equality, including those that adapt to the curriculum and activities; those of teacher training and awareness; and, those with an inclusive culture and positive environment. It is concluded that educational inclusion is a complex process that demands changes in attitudes, methodologies and educational policies.

Key words: inclusion; adaptation; strategies; participation; Physical Education.


The absence of resources to address disabilities is a relevant problem in the educational field. Barahona et al. (2023) mention that there is additionally a lack of budget for teacher training in this area; this lack of support also influences the availability of consolidated information and tools to address the diversity of specific educational needs of students with disabilities.

This educational equity is guaranteed with the participation of all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities; likewise, Trelles-Astudillo (2022) provides that the complexity and diversity of these individual needs make it difficult to create strategies that are applicable to all contexts.

At a practical level, there are various strategies, such as the adaptation of activities, the implementation of assisted technologies, the universal design of learning, among others, that have proven to be effective in promoting inclusion in the field of Physical Education. Tovar (2023) mentions that when the teacher does not know this information, it limits his contribution in the classroom. Therefore, it is important for educators to know these strategies, which will allow them to adapt teaching methods and the implementation of inclusive practices for students with disabilities.

From the area of Physical Education, specific adaptive strategies, activity modification techniques, the use of technological aids and effective communication methods are key to successful inclusion. These practical references according to Torres-Paz et al. (2023) would not only provide guidance, but could also foster a more inclusive and participatory educational environment.

The absence of a practical reference can result in a significant challenge for professionals in the area, who may feel limited in their ability to adapt their teaching methods effectively. Therefore, the creation of specific guides or documents that offer proven strategies adapted to the diverse needs of students with disabilities in Physical Education becomes crucial to promote inclusion and improve educational quality in this field.

The presence of multiple dispersed approaches in promoting inclusion in Physical Education is a common problem that, according to González-Rojas and Triana-Fierro (2018), affects the coherence and effectiveness of educational practices. From a theoretical approach, Vygotsky's Constructivism (1989) and Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory of Human Development (Muñoz-Lira and Thibaut, 2022) can be relevant to understanding the influence of multiple systems on human development, including the school environment and community.

In practice, the existence of multiple approaches makes it difficult for educators to find a consolidated guide to address inclusion holistically. The lack of structure creates confusion and difficulties in the effective implementation of inclusive strategies. González-Alba et al. (2021) adds that the disparity in the dissemination of these approaches can limit access to relevant information for Physical Education professionals.

Therefore, the need to integrate and structure these dispersed approaches into a unified guide is essential; this theoretical-practical integration will make it easier for educators to apply inclusive strategies that consider the diversity of contexts and individual needs of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes.

On the other hand, the lack of effectiveness of specific strategies to improve the participation of students with disabilities during Physical Education classes is worrying. Although there are various strategies to promote inclusion, empirical evidence is still very limited. Anatolievna-Zhizhko (2020) mentions that it is due to the lack of evaluation of these inclusive strategies for educational improvement.

The purpose of this research was to propose effective strategies that guarantee the participation of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes. This sought to create an equitable educational environment, improving the learning experience of students and their development under equal conditions; that is to say, this study arises as a response to the lack of resources and structures to address disabilities in education, and is carried out with the intention of providing practical and theoretical solutions that promote inclusion and improve educational quality in the field of Physical Education.


To address the proposed objective, a bibliographic review of the academic databases SciELO, Google Academic and Dialnet (Posso-Pacheco, 2022). This search was based on keywords related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in the context of Physical Education. The selection was limited to articles published in the last 5 years, a total of 22 works was obtained that will be subject to analysis and critical evaluation.

The critical analysis process included an evaluation of the data (Garcia-Montero, 2023) , with the purpose of identifying strategies supported by a solid empirical base, prioritizing those strategies that were effective and with a significant impact on promoting participation equity of students with disabilities in the field of Physical Education. This analysis allowed to select relevant strategies for the development of an inclusive and equitable educational environment.

Based on the results obtained, strategies were systematized and designed to promote the inclusion and effective participation of students with disabilities in Physical Education classes. Special attention was paid to educational equity, seeking to improve the learning experience in an environment that guarantees equal conditions for all students.

Strategies to promote inclusion

Inclusive education stands as an essential pillar in shaping an educational environment that promotes equity and educational enrichment for all students (Clavijo-Castillo and Bautista-Cerro, 2019). Within this framework, Physical Education stands out as a fundamental space to cultivate the participation and comprehensive development of students, including those who have disabilities. The challenge lies in the creation of effective strategies that ensure inclusion and equal opportunities in an educational system that advocates diversity and equity. These must be aimed at adapting the curriculum and activities, teacher training and awareness, to the implementation of supports and resources, to the promotion of collaboration between teachers, to the inclusive culture and positive environment, and to continuous evaluation and permanent adjustments.

Strategies for adapting the curriculum and activities

Within the framework of inclusion in Physical Education, several fundamental strategies have been identified to adapt the curriculum and activities, promoting the equitable participation of students with disabilities, which guarantees an equitable and enriching environment.

Adaptation to the curriculum is a strategy that aims to ensure that the universal learning design (ULD) adapts to the curriculum, but for this it must be open and flexible. In this way, the different needs of students with disabilities can be met, so that they have access to meaningful learning and can participate in physical activities according to their individual abilities.

For this, according to Posso-Pacheco et al. (2022) the teacher must carry out micro-auricular planning that considers the diversity of students' abilities and needs to guarantee the participation of everyone in the construction of knowledge. This involves planning each activity in detail, so that all students can engage and contribute meaningfully to the class.

Rigid and standardized learning goals should not be established; on the contrary, goals should be adjusted and personalized according to the individual abilities of the students.

Creating inclusive activities is a strategy that triggers equitable participation by offering students a range of options that fit each student's learning abilities and preferences. This diversification guarantees that all students can actively get involved in Physical Education classes, thus fostering an inclusive environment that promotes equal opportunities.

During classes, multiple exercise stations should be implemented, each with varying levels of difficulty. Students are encouraged to choose the station that best suits their individual abilities and preferences.

The stations should propose cooperative games, to encourage interaction between peers, stability exercises to improve balance, and more challenging activities aimed at those students seeking a higher level of physical activity. This diversity in options provides each student with the possibility of choosing their level of participation, ensures their active inclusion and guarantees that they feel comfortable and motivated in class.

The adaptation of materials and equipment is a fundamental strategy that guarantees the inclusion of students with disabilities, aligning with the principle of universal access. This involves providing resources that enable everyone's full participation in physical activities, adjusting to their individual needs and abilities. For example, balls of different sizes, weights and textures can be used so that students with visual or motor disabilities can participate safely and effectively in the games. In addition, other adapted implements or tools could be used to facilitate participation.

The strategy of modifying rules and structures in games seeks to guarantee the equitable participation of all students. This is done by adapting each aspect to provide equal opportunities, creating an inclusive environment that allows students with diverse abilities to actively participate. For example, during a soccer game, the rules are adjusted by allowing longer passes, reducing the size of the field, or assigning specific roles. These changes ensure that each student, regardless of their abilities, can fully contribute to the game, thus promoting an inclusive educational experience for all (Posso-Pacheco and Barba-Miranda, 2023).

The strategy of individualized support and adapted roles is based on the idea of providing personalized adjustments, guaranteeing equal opportunities for all students. It is ensured that everyone can contribute fully to Physical Education activities, strengthening their participation and self-esteem.

Adapted roles can be assigned in team activities to ensure inclusivity. Chancusig-Chancusig (2023) mentions several examples such as during a volleyball game, individual skills are assigned. A student with movement difficulties could be in charge of receiving the ball and passing it to a teammate, their participation and contribution to the team is encouraged; this promotes an inclusive environment where each student feels valued and can contribute to the group in a meaningful way.

The individual progress-focused evaluation strategy focuses on recognizing achievements beyond usual standards, promoting equity in evaluation. Díaz-Vásquez and Rosario-Rodríguez (2023) mention that flexible evaluation tools and constructive feedback are used to assess and motivate the personal progress of each student in Physical Education. At the end of the class, an evaluation is proposed that highlights the individual effort and achievements obtained by each student. Specific and constructive feedback should be offered, recognizing individual achievements rather than comparing them to general standards.

Strategies for teacher training and awareness

Physical Education must develop students comprehensively; as well as guaranteeing equitable access. Teachers play a crucial role, because their training and awareness are the essential pillars to promote an inclusive environment in the classroom. In this context, the implementation of specific strategies in teacher training focuses on providing practical tools for the creation of accessible and welcoming learning environments for all.

The strengthening of inclusive competencies in teacher training, according to Posso Pacheco et al. (2022), constitutes the guarantee for the equitable participation of all students, especially students with special educational needs. This strategy focuses on training educators to understand and address specific needs in the classroom, thus allowing for the adaptation of the curriculum and the creation of an inclusive environment.

In practical application, educators immerse themselves in training programs that address adaptation to integrate all students, regardless of their abilities. For example, teachers acquire skills to design flexible lesson plans, with flexible participation for students with different abilities through adapted games.

Another fundamental aspect of this strategy is the promotion of adapted games. Teachers learn to modify common games, adjusting the rules, structure or environment of the game, with the aim of guaranteeing the equitable participation of all students. This involves adapting the games to be accessible and challenging for students with diverse physical abilities, thus promoting an inclusive and enriching educational experience for everyone involved.

The implementation of participatory and adaptive methodologies focuses on guiding teachers towards the application of active and flexible teaching strategies. One recognized activity is the stations model, which gives students the autonomy to select activities based on their individual preferences and abilities. According to Posso-Pacheco et al. (2020), educators can apply different teaching models such as stations with a wide range of activities, from cooperative games to balance exercises or endurance challenges. This approach offers multiple options for each student to actively participate in the activities.

Using the stations model promotes student participation and engagement by giving them the freedom of choice and the opportunity to engage in activities that align with their interests and skills. This flexibility in the choice of activities allows each student to feel comfortable and motivated, thus contributing to the creation of an inclusive and dynamic learning environment.

Stations with various activities not only address different physical abilities, but also encourage interaction between students. By allowing them to work as a team and share experiences in different contexts, an environment of mutual support and cooperation is fostered, and it also enriches their experience in Physical Education classes.

The strategy of promoting inclusive environments and adapted resources allows teachers to be empowered to create accessible environments and use suitable resources in Physical Education classes. García-Prieto et al. (2021) mentions that educators play an essential role in adapting materials and equipment, thus allowing all students, including those with visual or motor disabilities, to fully participate in activities.

Additionally, it is crucial that educators select and adapt the physical space where activities take place, ensuring that it is accessible to all students. This involves considering aspects such as the arrangement of elements in the space, the elimination of architectural barriers and the provision of areas that allow the movement and equal participation of all students.

The design of flexible evaluations focused on individual progress is a strategy that allows teachers to use evaluation methods that not only focus on general standards (Andrea Michelle et al., 2023), but also assess the individual progress of each student. What is sought is to evaluate progress through methods that consider effort and specific improvement in motor skills, participation in adapted activities and games, and the application of knowledge in real contexts.

Teachers can evaluate the development of specific motor skills, such as coordination or agility, highlighting the individual progress of each student in these areas (Pérez Hernández et al., 2022). Likewise, aspects beyond the general standards can be considered, such as the effort and dedication demonstrated during physical activities, perseverance and a positive attitude towards learning are valued.

By doing so, an environment is created in which effort is valued and continuous improvement is motivated, thus strengthening students' confidence and self-esteem as they feel recognized for their personal progress. This strategy not only reflects performance in terms of results, but also values the learning process and individual dedication, thus creating a more complete and equitable evaluation.

Promoting awareness and empathy is a crucial strategy to raise awareness about the importance of understanding the individual needs of students (Abellán et al., 2021), it seeks to promote an environment of mutual support and collaboration among students, it is encouraged empathy and respect for the diversity of abilities present in the classroom.

To carry out this strategy, educators must implement dynamics that emphasize collaboration and teamwork, highlighting the importance of mutual help and recognizing the individual abilities of each student. For example, during group activities, an environment is fostered where the contribution of each student is valued, regardless of their differences, as well as empathy and respect for diversity.

In addition, dynamics and activities must be carried out that allow students to understand and put themselves in the shoes of other classmates, promoting sensitivity to individual needs. Teachers should encourage open dialogue and the exchange of experiences so that students can understand the perspectives and challenges faced by their classmates, generating greater understanding and empathy towards individual differences.

Integrating technology in an adapted way is a strategy to improve equitable access of all students to classroom activities (Aparicio-Gómez, 2023), it focuses on the use of technological applications or devices to guarantee a different inclusive experience.

Teachers must implement the use of technological tools, according to their compatibility with the various needs and skills present in the classroom (Román Mendoza and Suárez-Guerrero, 2021). Mobile apps that track each student's physical progress or heart rate monitors that are easy to use and adapted for students with disabilities can be used.

The promotion of effective communication strategies focuses on clear, adaptable and accessible communication, using specific visual and verbal cues to direct activities and ensure general understanding (Posso-Pacheco et al., 2023). Teachers must implement communication methods that adapt to the individual needs of students.

Visual resources such as posters, images or gestures are used to reinforce and complement verbal instructions, ensuring that the information is accessible to students with different learning styles or specific needs. In addition, emphasis is placed on adapting the way instructions are communicated to fit the individual abilities and preferences of students.

This strategy also focuses on creating an environment where communication is inclusive and accessible to everyone. By ensuring that instructions are understandable and adaptable, the participation of each student is promoted, contributing to an educational environment where everyone feels valued and able to fully engage.

Strategies for inclusive culture and positive environment

Creating an inclusive and positive environment in Physical Education classes is important for the comprehensive development of students. Implementing strategies that foster an inclusive culture and positive environment contributes significantly to the equitable participation and emotional well-being of all students, thus promoting an enriching educational experience.

· The promotion of diversity and tolerance is a strategy that allows valuing diversity in all its expressions in Physical Education classes (González et al., 2023). Activities should be organized that highlight the cultural, ethnic and skill diversity among students. Spaces must also be created where individual differences are recognized and appreciated, promoting acceptance and mutual respect among students.

That is, creating a positive environment as an inclusive and enriching space where diversity is celebrated as an asset that enriches the learning and personal growth of all participants.

The development of anti-bullying strategies focuses on the implementation of preventive and intervention measures to address harassment and exclusion in the educational environment of Physical Education classes (Tejada et al., 2021), for this clear standard must be established and that promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts among students.

Teachers must build trust so that students feel safe to express their ideas and concerns without fear of being judged or discriminated against. Activities should be implemented that reinforce empathy, respect and understanding among students, highlighting the importance of diversity and acceptance.

Clear protocols must be built to address situations of harassment or exclusion, at the same time working on measures to prevent these behaviors through education in values such as respect, tolerance and solidarity.

Creating inclusive and positive language is a strategy that focuses on fostering respectful and encouraging vocabulary (Rossetti, 2023) during interactions between students in the context of Physical Education classes. It promotes the use of language that values and celebrates individual differences.

Teachers should encourage the use of inclusive language that does not exclude anyone, that highlights the strengths of each individual and that avoids stereotypes or terms that may be offensive or discriminatory. Additionally, mutual respect is emphasized among students, encouraging them to use words and expressions that foster collaboration, empathy, and understanding.


It is evident that educational inclusion is a dynamic and multifaceted process, which is not limited to the simple adaptation of the environment or materials, but requires a change in attitudes, methodologies and educational policies, so teachers must be active agents. In this process, flexible strategies are adapted to the individual needs of students.

According to the above, teacher training and awareness is an essential pillar to promote inclusion in the classroom, which is why they must be provided with practical and theoretical tools to adapt their pedagogical practices to diversity in the Physical Education classroom, which will benefit students with disabilities and improve the educational experience of all students.

Strategies for inclusive culture and a positive environment go beyond the educational field, impacting the formation of more respectful, tolerant and empathetic citizens. Creating an inclusive educational environment not only benefits students with disabilities, but promotes a more just and equitable society as a whole.


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Received: February 18, 2023; Accepted: October 14, 2023

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