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Revista Cubana de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 1561-302X


MIRANDA HERNANDEZ, José Luis  y  FERNANDEZ CUE, Leda. Cerebral venous thrombosis. Rev cubana med [online]. 2019, vol.58, n.2  Epub 25-Mayo-2020. ISSN 1561-302X.

Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is currently considered a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, due to the high variability of presentation and the lack of a clear therapeutic consensus. It represents 0.5% of strokes and most frequently affects young subjects with congenital or acquired risk factors. The variable clinical manifestations, together with an adequate neuroimaging study, allow diagnosis. We report this case aiming to describe the clinical-radiological evolution of a postpartum adolescent patient with cerebral venous thrombosis who also had an interatrial cerebral venous angioma. She had moderate headache in the occipital region and, later, in right hemiparesis, 21 days after the puerperium. the defect was solved in 42 h. Thrombosis of the right sinus, veins of galen and internal cerebral veins was diagnosed by CT angiography. Favorable evolution was achieved after anticoagulant treatment.

Palabras clave : intracranial thrombosis; anticoagulation; thrombosis; venous sinuses.

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