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versión On-line ISSN 1028-4818


IGLESIAS PEREZ, Orlando. Fidel's thinking in force in medical science students. Multimed [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.6, pp. 1441-1457. ISSN 1028-4818.

Fidel's thinking has been a strategic guide for the development of Cuban medical education. Its permanent study constitutes an inexcusable premise for the achievement of a Human Resources in Health training with quality and relevance. A socio-historical study of Fidel's thinking on the educational teaching process in the area of ​​medical education was conducted through the analysis of the content of speeches and interventions by Fidel Castro Ruz made between 1959 and 2006, with the aim of analyzing the Fidel thought as a reference for the development of medical education and human capital in the Cuban National Health System. A work carried out by a group of expert professors from the academic committee of the Master in Medical Education of the National School of Public Health was taken as a reference. The pronouncements selected in the 12 speeches and interventions of Fidel related to the educational teaching process in Medical Education were presented, as well as the basic ideas, from which the integrative idea was elaborated and the necessary actions were established to ensure compliance In educational practice. Fidel's thinking, linked to the development of the educational teaching process in higher medical education, contributed to the increase in the quality and relevance of the training processes in Cuban Medical Education.

Palabras clave : Fidel Castro; Medical education.

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