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Referencia Pedagógica

versión On-line ISSN 2308-3042


GONZALEZ REY, Gonzalo; HERRERA PEREZ, Guadalupe Alejandra  y  ORAMAS ESCAMILLA, Liliana del Carmen. Conceptual design in integrative projects in courses for higher university technicians in mechatronics. RP [online]. 2021, vol.9, n.2, pp. 272-286.  Epub 05-Ene-2022. ISSN 2308-3042.

Professional competencies can be enhanced during undergraduate professional study programs by introducing integrative projects to the learning processwhich require that students creatively integrate the knowledge acquired in classes. Sometimes, this creative integration is difficult for students due to poor teamwork experience and lack of skills to apply techniques for generating new ideas and active methods to improve decision-making processes. The objective of the present paper is to show the application of morphologi cal analysis and multi-attribute rating technique in classes of engineering during the orientation and development of mechatronic engineering projects at the Aguascalientes Technological University. Some of the techniques with greater implementation during the conceptual stage of the engineering design, are presented, but emphasis is made on those related to morphological analysis and the evaluation of solutions with multiple quality criteria. The implementation of these techniques in engineering projects have allowed students to widen the solutions to a multivariable problem they have to solve in the above mentioned projects, with better tools to generate creative ideas and establish an evaluation based on comparative indicators for defining the best concept for the solution of the project.

Palabras clave : Engineering project; morphological analysis; best solution; Project-based learning.

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