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vol.43 número2Uso sostenible del agua residual de la pesca a partir del cultivo de microalgas. Caso de estudio EPIGRAN índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental

versão On-line ISSN 2788-6050


ARIAS-LAFARGUE, Telvia et al. Influence of industrial waste in the pollution of the bay of Santiago de Cuba in 2020. Ing. hidrául. ambient. [online]. 2022, vol.43, n.2, pp. 3-16.  Epub 20-Maio-2022. ISSN 2788-6050.

The Santiago bay is considered the second most polluted in the country. Due to Covid-19, the productivity of the industries that surround it, and the port maritime transfer decreased. Therefore, the objective of the work is to identify the influence that the residuals of some industries had on the contamination of the bay in 2020. Eleven parameters indicative of contamination were determined, such as heavy metals, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids and turbidity. It can be ensured that the Fiber Cement, Erasol, Oil Refinery, Soy Processing, and Brewery companies are the ones that contribute the highest concentrations of pollutants to the waters of the bay and that the quality of the waters of the area studied does not meet the requirements for bathing or fishing areas according to current Cuban regulations.

Palavras-chave : Santiago de Cuba´s bay; pollution; heavy metals; dissolved oxygen; suspended solids.

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