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Universidad de La Habana

versão On-line ISSN 0253-9276


GARCIA LUZON, Darío. The Cervantine litarary game in Los detectives salvajes. UH [online]. 2015, n.280, pp. 84-88. ISSN 0253-9276.

Don Quixote, while being a foundational archetype of the modern novel, has generated an influence including, besides its thematic spectrum, a set of fictional strategies of its own literary game. The present study aims at justifying the fact that Los detectives salvajes belong to that lineage of novels that update in a masterly way some of the most significant procedures of the Cervantine literary game.

Palavras-chave : literary game; told exegesis; quijanism; Miguel de Cervantes; Don Quixote; Roberto Bolaño.

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