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Correo Científico Médico

versão On-line ISSN 1560-4381


BERENGUER GOUARNALUSES, Juan Arturo; REVILLA VICENTE, Lázaro  e  ROGER MEDINA, Ileana. Web site of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba. ccm [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.4, pp. 968-978. ISSN 1560-4381.

Introduction: the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba was founded on August 18, 1963; It is the second accredited in the country and the first created by the Revolution. Objective: to design a practical and functional website, efficient, with good navigability, easy access and interaction with the user and visually pleasant that provide a maximum level of knowledge and updated information to workers, students, professors and executives of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba. Method: it was conducted under the dialectical materialist general methodological approach in order to promote knowledge of the structure of the faculty, the activities carried out in the educational process, updated bibliography for students and teachers related to dentistry. Results: the Web site can be located through the following URL: our website also has national and international reach. It has a weekly update frequency. The information published on the website is provided by the heads of departments. The results of various scientific activities undertaken are also widespread. Conclusions: the Website of the Faculty of Stomatology of the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba was created, well valued by students, professors, workers, managers and specialists as useful, valid and that solves the problem of research.

Palavras-chave : website; dentistry; informatics.

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