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Revista Médica Electrónica

versão On-line ISSN 1684-1824


ACOME-MUNOZ, Mirian Elizabeth; NORONA-SALCEDO, Darwin Raúl  e  VEGA-FALCON, Vladimir. Psychosocial factors and teaching performance at a higher technological institute in Quito, Ecuador. Rev.Med.Electrón. [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.5, pp. 1254-1268.  Epub 31-Out-2021. ISSN 1684-1824.


psychosocial risks physically and mentally affect workers. The working conditions of university teachers involve academic and administrative responsibilities, exposing them to high levels of psychosocial risk.


the objective of the study was to determine the relationship of psychosocial factors in teaching performance at a higher technological institute in Quito, Ecuador.

Materials and methods:

a quantitative, observational, transversal, prospective and analytical study was conducted in a population of 89 teachers. Because of its high reliability, the Silva Psychosocial Risk Factors survey was applied to assess risk factors in academic work. The teaching performance was measured according to the rating scale of the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador. Inferences and associations were calculated through the Chi squared test and the odds ratio.


47.2 % of the teachers were women and 52.8 % were men. The 31-40 years old age-group predominated. Among the psychosocial risk factors, the parameters of work requirements predominated. 75.3 % showed average psychosocial risk, not reflected with teaching performance.


It was stated the existence of psychosocial risk factors in teachers, related to the workload, content and characteristics of the task, among other aspects. We found that teaching performance was not affected by the presence of psychosocial risk factors.

Palavras-chave : working conditions; teaching performance; psychosocial risk factors; odd ratio; mental health.

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