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vol.16 número3Ahorro energético en tándem de molinos de caña de azúcar mediante regulación de presiones hidráulicas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ingeniería Mecánica

versão On-line ISSN 1815-5944


MENDOZA-FERNANDEZ, Abdel et al. Modeling of contact between two pairs of teeth in the sugar cane mills gears. Ingeniería Mecánica [online]. 2013, vol.16, n.3, pp. 178-185. ISSN 1815-5944.

The paper proposes an equivalent mechanism for modeling the functioning of the crowns of sugar cane mill when theoretically there are two pairs of teeth in contact. Through mobility analysis of the mechanism is demonstrated that is not possible the simultaneous contact between two pairs of teeth and that the coating coefficient of these gears is equal or less than unity. Combining kinematic analysis results for the contact between a pair of teeth with the modeling the contact between two pairs of teeth, it is demonstrated that gear ratio of these gears is less than unity and impacts occur between the teeth at the start of contact

Palavras-chave : sugar cane mills; sugar cane mills gears; contact ratio; gears.

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