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vol.34 número1Utilidad de los valores de susceptibilidad magnética para el análisis petrográfico de muestras del basamento de la corteza de intemperismoDefinición de localizaciones para la ubicación de pozos monobore en el yacimiento B6 LL 370 del campo Tía Juana Lago, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Minería y Geología

versão On-line ISSN 1993-8012


PEREZ-ALBORNOZ, Liseth; FERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Moraima  e  GI-SOCORRO, Betzabeth. Geological-environmental characterization of the Santa Bárbara agricultural experimental unit, Cañada de Urdaneta municipality, Zulia State. Min. Geol. [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.1, pp. 21-45. ISSN 1993-8012.

The purpose of this work was to establish a baseline (referential) in the Santa Bárbara Experimental Unit from a geological and environmental point of view. The research was descriptive, not experimental, with a field phase. The methodology used consisted of bibliographic and cartographic review, interviews, direct observation in the field, collection and analysis of samples, consultation with specialists, design and updating of plans; and, information processing. As a result, the physical and biotic characterization of the area was obtained. It is concluded that the area has been intervened without taking into account its environmental or geological characteristics, which exerts a critical environmental impact on biodiversity and the natural resources of the area. Three strategies and nine concrete actions are proposed to improve the situation of the study area.

Palavras-chave : environmental geology; environmental impact; farming; productive projects; Venezuela.

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