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vol.8 número3A velocidade de saída do swing, em jogadores do time de beisebol HolguínTreinamento de flexibilidade cognitiva em idosos com idade entre 75 e 80 anos a partir de uma abordagem ecológica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ciencia y Deporte

versão On-line ISSN 2223-1773


GASTON GONZALEZ, Dámaris; CAPOTE AGUERO, Rossana  e  VILLEGAS RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Rogelio. The Education of Values in the Physical Culture Professionals with an Axiological-Martian Conception. Ciencia y Deporte [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.3, pp. 475-490.  Epub 12-Set-2023. ISSN 2223-1773.


Value-based education is a current concern linked to the very existence of humans which has been studied by politicians, specialists, and educators of different countries, regardless of their existing social systems. The study of Marti's works is an imperative that provides freshness and up-to-date knowledge to teachers in their practice of education when used properly and timely.


To create systematic awareness about the formation of values in physical culture and sports professionals with an axiological conception, as one of the major challenges of Cuban society today.

Materials and methods:

This research relies on a qualitative, descriptive, and non-experimental approach based on analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, and information collection using the Google search engine.


The theoretical rationale used in this research led to a reflection based on an axiological glimpse about the education of values in the future physical culture and sports graduates, and an expression of the practical needs and interests of humans, and individual socialization within group dynamics, as a concrete manifestation of physical culture and massive sports.


Value-based education should not rely on decrees or by inculcating models, however valuable they are; values must be embraced with a dialectical, flexible, inclusive, and in-context perspective.

Palavras-chave : axiological conception; education; values..

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