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vol.43 número1Impacto de los pasivos ambientales en la red hidrográfica de la región minera de Santa Lucía, Minas de Matahambre, Cuba.Demanda de agua urbana: acueducto Metropolitano de Mérida. Algunas reflexiones sobre el valor de la demanda índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental

versão On-line ISSN 2788-6050


FERNANDEZ CRUZ, Dra.C. Sara  e  GONZALEZ RIVERO, MSc. Sucel. Indicators for the administration of environmental impacts in the stage of exploitation of the dams. Ing. hidrául. ambient. [online]. 2022, vol.43, n.1, pp. 79-91.  Epub 22-Fev-2022. ISSN 2788-6050.

In this article they intend nine indicators whose selection was carried out in three stages, an exploratory stage directed to identify the impacts and affected environmental variables, a second stage where it was evaluated the representativeness of the variables about the statistical valuations; and the third stage confirmation the indicators selected starting from the application of the Process of Hierarchical Analysis (AHP), designed to solve complex situations where multiple approaches intervene; in all the cases the radius of consistency CR was valid, smaller than 10%. The resulting indicators are: chemical composition of the water, physical characteristics of the water, environmental services and ecological functions of the water, formation of alluvial deposits, modifications in natural section of the river, existence of species fish, existence and type of vegetation in the valley, existence of species of mollusks and uses of the land of the valley.

Palavras-chave : evaluation of environmental impacts. environmental indicators; environmental monitoring.

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