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Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física
versión On-line ISSN 1996-2452
Rev Podium vol.18 no.2 Pinar del Río mayo.-ago. 2023 Epub 21-Ago-2023
Review article
Reflections on sports detraining as a specific professional competence
1Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
Detraining in sports, as a specific professional competence, constitutes an object of work in the initial training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, as this is a social actor in social contexts and from this perspective, the reflective gaze on its importance has been oriented; it is also required as a competence that enables health advice from the base link, not only in high performance, hence the need to develop it with a health, preventive and prophylactic approach. Although several studies address this issue, theoretical deficiencies were detected in the reference models; consequently, the objective of the work was to reflect on sports detraining as a specific professional competence in the formation of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, from the research work activity. Methods such as analysis-synthesis and structural-functional systemic were used, which made it possible to deepen research on professional skills from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective. As conclusions, the theoretical limitations related to sports detraining as a specific professional competence were corroborated, as well as the possibility of complementing and enriching the acting model, based on training practice from undergraduate, which contributed to providing a better solution to problems. detraining in the base link.
Key words: specific professional competence; sports detraining; Bachelor of Physical.
Competence-based training is increasingly recognized internationally for establishing curricular advantages and integrated methodological criteria at a transdisciplinary level, based on considering a problem as the common axis of all disciplines and subjects of professional training and its contribution to the link of knowledge with practice, which enables the transition from knowing how to do (skills) to doing with knowing (competence).
Every time and in an increasing way, competence-based training enhances the criteria for evaluating the quality of professional training with effective forms of knowledge, as well as the necessary competence to join society; the impacts are measured as consequences of the results, of the changes in behavior and processes such as teaching and methodological scientific work, improvement, research and its assurances. (Espinoza and Campuzano, 2019)
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO (2018) ratifies as the objective of professional training in universities, that of providing answers to the problems facing humanity and the needs of economic and cultural life most pertinent, from the specific problems of a certain region, country or community.
On the other hand, the need to reconsider the training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture and contemporary education in terms of durability, viability and sustainability is promoted, as UNESCO priorities for international action, linked to its development agenda until 2030., with objectives that encompass education as life-changing, to provide all ages with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to overcome challenges.
At the national level, the guidelines of the economic and social policy of the Communist Party of Cuba that govern the development of the country influence, with emphasis on the strategic axis human potential, science, technology and innovation, defined in objective 13 that raises the need to promote the training of highly qualified human potential and the generation of new knowledge, which guarantees the development of universities and education in general and their human resources and infrastructures that are mobile to think about which professional training is most appropriate to these contemporary demands.
Today marks a different point of view in university professional training, tempered by the times it is living in and technological advances, where not only must be taught to know to do, if not then do with knowing. The foregoing would seem like a play on words, but if it is assumed that the final product of professional training must be conditioned only on knowledge and know how, it is considered based on the criteria of training professional skills; meanwhile, if training is assumed as a process towards doing with knowledge, then competence is pre-positioned as a training reference.
The maxim that competence is lifelong learning, constant self-improvement and demonstrated ability and that it designates what the professional does and not only what he/she knows how to do, ruins professional training aspirations, from its developer perspective and a humanist vision.
The literature consulted converges in stating that specific competence are acquired with the transmission and assimilation by the person of a series of contents related to the basic areas of sports knowledge; concepts, theories, instrumental knowledge, research skills, forms of application or work styles that define a specific discipline. Competence that are necessary to master knowledge, to later apply it to a specific area as sports detraining.
In this way, it is consistent with the criterion that sports detraining is part of a professional content necessary for the knowledge, action and feeling of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree and must be assumed from a health, preventive and prophylactic approach to be used in the base link as a tool for guidance and advice, which contributes to strengthening the role of this professional as a social actor.
On the other hand, it is recognized that detraining is a practice that requires multidimensional knowledge and know how due to the diversity of sports practices that it covers and for its differentiated treatment according to the biological, psychological and social manifestations and incidents, this implies an adequate professional preparation for face it.
Sports detraining as the training process and development of competence of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree makes it possible to update knowledge, modify attitudes, encourage creativity and, in a general sense, put different knowledge into practice (Aguado and Rangel, 2017). A prospective vision of the training process of this professional must consider the knowledge that refers to knowledge, know-how and achieve mastery of general skills of the profession; in addition, knowing how to be fundamentally directed towards professional ethical behavior, as well as knowing how to live that implies relationships in the labor and social sphere, participating and cooperating in activities and teamwork.
The need to adopt the competence as a reference in the professional training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree in accordance with current economic and social demands is imposed, in such a way that they contribute to raising their professionalism in all spheres of action, in solving problems and in the transformation of contexts from the personal implications of the subject and the search for success with quality and efficiency (Moreno et al., 2019).
The Bachelor of Physical Culture degree is a social actor of human improvement that must be formed as a competent, comprehensive, qualified, committed professional with solid professional motives. For this, specific professional competence must be developed because in the base link it is promoted and executed prophylactic, therapeutic, sports and recreational activities in interaction with the diversity of the community environment, to stimulate a healthy lifestyle and healthy recreation.
Consequently, the criteria for the formation of specific professional competence in sports detraining, as a reference for the professional training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, allows transdisciplinary integration from the cognitive, praxiological and axiological aspects, as well as the most objective evaluation of what the student learns and does for performance in contexts such as school, the sport complex or others (Bestard and Sivila, 2017; Almirall and Zaldívar, 2018; Valdés et al., 2021 and González et al., 2022), Cardero et al. (2020).
The current Study Plan E and the Professional Model are committed to professional training with a broad, open and extension profile, through academic, labor, research and extension processes; this acting model is premised on the principles of knowledge rationality, the increase in hours of practical training activity, and the link between undergraduate and postgraduate courses, which constitute important conditions and favor the development not only of professional skills, but also of basic competence. of the practice of the profession in undergraduate training. However, professional training by competence is not contemplated (Ministerio de Educación Superior de la República de Cuba [MES], 2016)
In the opinion of the authors of the study being carried out, sports detraining as a specific professional competence and a benchmark for the training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, beyond the current vision of undergraduate training based on professional skills, complements and enriches the acting model and broadens the range of training spaces, thus managing the greatest success in their professional, personal, social and labor insertion.
Sports detraining is considered a competence of a pedagogical nature, its content is to direct detraining in the base link, in the community, family and school context, from its health, preventive and prophylactic dimensions; consequently, the objective of the work was to reflect on sports detraining as a specific professional competence in the formation of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, from the research work activity.
Some ideas about professional training by competence
Referring to a profession implies understanding that it represents the action of exercising a trade, of carrying out tasks with a certain degree of specialization in science, technology, art, sports or others and is the result of a process given in a schooled praxis that It is an educational system. A quality training must aspire to a comprehensive development, contextualized and directly related to the essence of the object of the profession (Miranda et al., 2015).
The professional´s training process has an essentially social character; it develops as a system and cannot be left to the spontaneity of those who take part in it. The training of the university specialist is a synthesis of the dynamic subject-object relationship of the profession-society, a trinomial in which the social projection of professional training is expressed.
For Tünnerman (2003) the quality of the studies is determined because the higher-level students of a country are part of the wealth of that country, they are assets of the highest value for the whole society, given the roles that upon graduation they are called upon to perform within it, so it is in the public interest to ensure the quality of students. In the future, universities are going to be judged or evaluated more by the quality of their students than by the quality of their professors, as a consequence of the emphasis that today is placed on learning processes rather than on teaching ones.
These demands transcend professional training, which model identifies three essential dimensions: the instructional dimension, the development dimension and the educational dimension; these dimensions in their integration express the new quality to be formed: preparing the professional for their successful performance in society (Centelles et al., 2020).
Training, from Vygotsky's (1995) historical-cultural theory, is explained as a relationship process between the interpsychic (the social) and the intrapsychic (the individual) that are part of the internal activity; its transition from the external to the internal and its mediating function as a general law of the origin of higher mental functions.
Training also has its sociological perspective on the understanding of man in the context of his social relationships and his incidences as socio-educational factors (family-school-community), of importance for understanding the role of social interaction in the professional context.
Among the diversity of criteria related to competence, some authors consider that competency-based training is a teaching-learning process oriented towards people in order to appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes for an ideal performance; it has various applications, in order to achieve continuous knowledge, since it involves alternating between work and study (Cejas et al., 2019).
From its psychological spectrum, the formation of competence is understood as a process of personalized or collective configuration, (Cueto et al., 2018), which highlights the criterion that these are configured in the person or in the group and not in the processes of performance evaluation standards, the school-enterprise link and other perspectives offered as measurement criteria, even when these criteria have certain validity for their training. Particular emphasis is placed on competence as a psychological configuration, mediated by professional training that builds their knowledge and know how.
The formation of detraining as a specific professional competence from the labor-research curricular context implies the action of Higher Education didactics, since its implementation in this disciplinary context, goes through the didactic and curricular arrangements that are required for its insertion, where didactics is an important reference in the order of sciences; on the other hand, a notion of broad competence is required to be able to operate with it in psycho-pedagogical training and, in the same way, have notions of different levels and possible application in the training practice of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree.
Detraining as a specific professional competence of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree from the labor-research curricular context
The competence constitutes a claim in the educational quality at present and refer to the characteristics of the process, to the formation of man, his historical and social conditions that take a concrete expression from the end, the objectives and the results truly achieved.
Competence is increasingly associated with the ability to mobilize knowledge to solve problems autonomously, creative and adapted to the context and nature of the problems (Miranda et al., 2020). At present, the competence criteria in its conceptual vision of knowing how to do, do and be are reconceptualized from a new vision, where it is not only a process that implies knowing how to do, but the mobilization of personal resources in the activity that goes through the subject that has the competence and not by the entity or enterprise they serve, for this reason it is a personological configuration, a complex integral formation of qualities mobilized in the activity, in a context.
The definitions of competence as sets made up of knowledge and/or qualities give way to an understanding of the concept based on mobilized capacities. This leads one to think that competent work entails behind it a complex mixture of attributes, tasks and abilities developed by the person to implement all this heritage in their working life (Parra et al., 2018; Arévalo and Juanes, 2022).
Theories on professional competence are plural and controversial and present different readings, formulations, dichotomies and tendencies centered on the labor and the personal; The most significant current proposals in the professional sphere are based on dual training, the school-company link, the curriculum, the learning strategies, the curricular Mayas and the pedagogical performance models as a sample of scientific management for inserting the competence in the pedagogical theory (Machado and Montes de Oca, 2021).
However, these studies do not exhaust the theoretical-methodological foundations that could be considered, according to professional profiles, since it is difficult to find studies on sports detraining as a specific professional competence; despite the fact that some authors such as Valarezo et al. (2018) consider that competence can be conceived and planned in the curriculum, from their formative perspectives.
Prado et al. (2021) address the specific professional competence in initial training, as an integrator of knowledge, skills, values, motivations and performance, based on the specific aspects inherent to the profession. Among all the dimensions that make up the competence, skills, in their unification with the rest, constitute mobilizing processes that are based on activity.
This supposes not only knowing how to do, but doing with knowing in certain contexts, where the combination of specific skills with the other members of the competence is essential to be able to act efficiently in a certain sphere of the object of the profession, for what recreation, Physical Education and sport are considered prophylactic and therapeutic spheres of the actions of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree.
Studies related to the different performance contexts of the professional with a degree in Physical Culture such as those by Aguado and Rangel (2017), Aguado and Rangel (2018) address the development and improvement of the skills of teachers who participate in the professional training. Others delve into the skills during job training, as well as the specific professional skills of Physical Education and sports coaches, through methodological alternatives and strategies for professional improvement (Bosque, 2018; Álava, 2018; Lara, 2020 and Machado, 2021). The profile and evaluation of the state of development of the Physical Education teacher competence are also defined in the work of Rodríguez et al. (2018), Valencia (2019) and Castro et al. (2020).
Similarly, authors such as Bosque (2018), Moreno et al. (2019), Bernate et al. (2020) and Márquez et al. (2020) refer to the formation of competence from undergraduate with particular significance in communicative competence, research competence and the formation of civic competence.
Aguilar (2020) is assumed when treating sports detraining as the pedagogical process based on scientific foundations and aimed at systematically, multidisciplinary and comprehensive reduction of the level reached by the athlete, from a medical-biological, psychological and social perspective, to achieve adaptation to new conditions that guarantee an adequate quality of life.
Among the studies of this researcher, the contributions of indicators for the characterization of sports retirement are significant, as well as the risk factors of retired from active sports, the organization of sports detraining, physical exercise, solutions to avoid health risks in former athletes; as well as the physical alternatives, educational actions, theoretical conceptions, programs, methodologies, models and principles elaborated in indistinct ways (Frómeta-Moreira et al., 2021 and Marín et al., 2021).
In none of the cases, detraining and its incidence in professional training to increase the performance of the Physical Culture Graduate, in the care of these ex-sports subjects and the solution of detraining problems in the base link are addressed. The higher frequency of studies in elite athletes is recognized, even when both physical and mental conditions also affect the population that, even without reaching the elite, has been subjected to the loads of sports training; likewise, other factors that influence such as the limited culture of sports training in the family and teachers linked to the training of the athlete.
Individuals who drop out of sports training can go through various age groups, without a proper pedagogical dedication. Work tasks must be relevant to the spaces of professional training and the possibilities of student performance, in a gradual and ascending level for renewal and constant professional self-improvement that makes it possible to systematize professional skills that must be achieved to face professional problems (Trejo and Alzate, 2017).
In this sense, conceiving detraining as a specific professional competence implies its contextualization both in the knowledge of the therapeutic and prophylactic care area; in addition to conceiving it as one of the professional problems that the student must master, and considering their requirements in professional performance for the solution from the work object that they will develop once they graduate.
The formation of a health culture can only be achieved when, from an early age, the strengthening of those factors that improve the quality of life is offered, such as social values and the participation of individuals in activities designed for this purpose; the integration of the family into the activity and personal development of individuals leads to the development of generations of healthy men, capable of living and favorably transforming the environment (Veloz and Garcia, 2018).
Detraining should be one of the domains of the professional performance of teachers from the basic training of athletes to alert them about the risks of not assuming them and constitutes a security element for both the athlete and the family and society in general, a fundamental mechanism in the integral formation and guarantee of the quality of life not only from instruction, but also education; because together with knowledge, skills, habits and values are developed to promote healthy lifestyles
The theoretical systematization and the consultations from different sources on sports detraining as a specific professional competence allowed to corroborate the theoretical limitations related to these studies in the sphere of professional training of the Bachelor of Physical Culture degree, as well as the possibility of complementing and enriching the acting model. from the formative practice from the undergraduate, which contributes to provide a better solution to the problems of detraining in the base link.
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Received: January 05, 2022; Accepted: April 26, 2023