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Ciencia y Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 2223-1773


BERNATE, Jayson; MARIA MORALES, Lina; PAULA SANABRIA, María  y  MELISA MEDINA, Laura. Review of doping in Olympic sports in women and men aged 15 to 25. Ciencia y Deporte [online]. 2024, vol.9, n.3  Epub 01-Sep-2024. ISSN 2223-1773.


doping is a worrying issue not only in the sports field, but also within society, because it is a very sensitive issue and therefore it is necessary to address it, since the use of doping substances or methods generate difficulties in athletes at a physiological level, in performance in sport as well as at an ethical level. To do this, an investigation was carried out through different web pages in order to determine the causes and consequences of this method in the daily life of athletes between 15 and 25 years old.


to carry out a documentary review of doping in the Olympic sports field, through the documentary matrix and analysis of the state of the art, to identify the main causes of doping in high-performance athletes.

Materials and methods:

the methodology used in this research is qualitative and its design is a systematic bibliographic review.


the results show a close relationship between ambition and the desire of each athlete to obtain a certain recognition or monetary contribution that implies winning a competition.


in the research carried out by the speakers to athletes from the city of Bogotá, the respondents agree that they have never consumed any type of doping substance and their position towards this practice is totally immoral, reaching the conclusion that one of the main reasons for athletes to engage in doping is to obtain better personal achievements, taking into account that these substances would significantly increase their performance. Other most voted causes are the opportunity to belong to leagues or stay in them and financial or economic contracts for sports practices.

Palabras clave : sport; doping; methods; illegal field; performance..

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