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Serie Científica de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas

versión On-line ISSN 2306-2495


ZAMBRANO CALERO, Calixto Gonzalo; MORAN AVILEZ, Manuel Honorato  y  HERNANDEZ, Noel Batista. Strategy for the inclusion of students from extreme poverty, through sports practice. Serie Científica [online]. 2024, vol.17, n.5, pp. 103-121.  Epub 01-Mayo-2024. ISSN 2306-2495.

Educational inclusion represents a dynamic process with the commitment to ensure universal rights to quality education, where all students can participate on equal terms. The objective of this research is to develop a sports strategy that allows addressing the manifestations of poverty and its negative impact on the normal development of the students of the Efrén Avilés Pino School of Basic Education. A mixed-type developmental study was carried out, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches of a single-group pre-experimental design. The strategy was designed in three fundamental stages. In the design and preparation, educational indicators were analyzed, a multidisciplinary team of professionals was formed to guide the development of the strategy, and the planning and design of activities aimed at developing sports skills and transversal competencies in the 22 students in the sample was carried out. . In the implementation, regular soccer training sessions were carried out as an object of study. Assessments were run to measure student progress in sports skills and transversal competencies. The proposed strategy was validated by experts as very relevant. From the implementation, it was evident through quantitative analysis that the strategy contributes to the mitigation of exclusion and promotes a more inclusive and equitable educational environment through sports practices.

Palabras clave : strategy; student inclusion; extreme poberty; sport practice.

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