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vol.17 número6Uso de recursos educativos digitales en el proceso formativo de un hospital pediátrico: análisis actualEntornos virtuales de aprendizaje en simulación y el fortalecimiento de competencias laborales en bachillerato técnico índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Serie Científica de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas

versión On-line ISSN 2306-2495


BUENO RODRIGUEZ, María Fabiana; VILLACIS TAGLE, Jacqueline Alexandra  y  REIGOSA LARA, Alejandro. Use of information and communication technologies in the educational system. Serie Científica [online]. 2024, vol.17, n.6, pp. 49-70.  Epub 01-Jun-2024. ISSN 2306-2495.

ICTs have the potential to positively transform the educational system worldwide, Latin America and in Ecuador. However, to take full advantage of its benefits, it is essential to address the challenges related to the digital divide, educational quality and teacher training. The objective of the research is to carry out a bibliographic analysis on the impact of the use of ICT in the educational system, with emphasis on the Ecuadorian educational system at the university level. The applied methodology is based on a retrospective qualitative approach. The PRISMA methodology was used to carry out the systematic analysis of the literature. The results obtained indicate that a comprehensive and coordinated approach between the government, educational institutions and civil society is essential to guarantee that ICT contributes significantly to improving the quality and equity of education globally, in Latin America and in Ecuador. Particularly in Ecuador, the impact of ICT on the educational system has been significant and has generated a series of changes and challenges. However, although there is progress in the incorporation of ICT in the country's schools and universities. As conclusions, it is proposed that ICTs have profoundly transformed the educational system by expanding access to information, introducing new educational methodologies and posing ethical and social challenges. Despite the obvious benefits, it is essential to address the digital divide and ensure equitable and ethical implementation of ICT in education.

Palabras clave : educational quality; Ecuador; education; education system; Information technology and communication.

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