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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

On-line version ISSN 1561-3119


HERNANDEZ, Daisy Naranjo; GARCIA FREYRE, Irma; BORBOLLA BUSQUETS, Elvira  and  COMPANIONI ACOSTA, Susana. Importancia de la Manometría Anorrectalen la Infancia. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 1999, vol.71, n.3, pp. 132-139. ISSN 1561-3119.

On registering pressure changes in the muscular hollow organs, the anorectal manometric study has allowed to reach conclusions about the mechanism of anorectal continence, the sphincteral function and the anorectal sensation. The method of perfused catheters and intrarectal balloon was used to attain the stimulus by distention. 340 patients, 214 males and 126 females with an average age of 6.5 years old, were studied. Patients were divided into 3 groups: I. Chronic constipation, II. Chronic constipation plus encopresis, and III. Anal incontinence. Among the manometric variables studied were the following: presence or not of the induced inhibitory rectoanal reflex (IIRR), resting pressure, length, percentage of relaxation and critical volume capable of causing a sphincteral response. Barium enema was used and it was found a greater correlation between radiographic megacolon and the highest percentage of manometric absence of IIRR. Group II showed a higher value of basal pressure of IAS with a lower percentage of relaxation and a greater number of cases with absence of IIRR. The lowest basal pressure value of IAS, the highest percentage of relaxation and the greatest amount of cases with absence of IAS were obtained in group III. The importance of studying is demonstrated in the management of the child with anorectal affections, since it was indispensable for diagnosing Hirschprung´s disease. Its use is recommended in all the Pediatric Gastroenterology services.

Keywords : MANOMETRY [util]; ANUS [fisiopatol].

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