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vol.71 issue4Atención multidisciplinaria a pacientes con fibrosis quísticaÓxido nítrico/sepsis: Controversias en su metabolismo, funciones y utilización author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

On-line version ISSN 1561-3119


DORADO LAMBERT, Aracelis E.  and  REVILLA MONTERO, Jorge. Alteraciones microcirculatorias durante el choque séptico. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 1999, vol.71, n.4, pp. 233-237. ISSN 1561-3119.

Taking into account that microcirculation is the most affected site in a septic shock, a literature review of the main disturbances occuring in it as a result of this effect was made. The described changes began with a dilation of the small arterioles of the skeletal muscle in response to the inflammatory mediators of septic shock, however, given the high microvascular volume of skeletal muscle, this arteriole vasodilation reduces the total peripheral vascular resistence. In spite of this, a decrease in blood stream and its speed as well as deformity of red cells occur in regions like the small intestine, which is favoured by the action of neutrophiles, increased permeability of vascular endothelium and abnormal adrenergic response that block the microvascular blood flow and cause disseminated intravascular blotting, edema and hemorrhage in several parts of the anatomy, which leads to a multiple organ failure that generally occur in septic shock.

Keywords : SHOCK SEPTIC [complications]; MICROCIRCULA-TION [physiopathology].

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