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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1561-2961


TORRES MAGRET, Esperanza; SANCHEZ BATISTA, Roberto  and  DEULOFEU BETANCOURT, Isabel. Evaluación nutricional de las embarazadas ingresadas en la sala de gestantes patológicas. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 1997, vol.13, n.1, pp. 10-14. ISSN 1561-2961.

A descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study of 558 pregnant women was conducted. 998 gravidae admitted at the Eastern Hospital in Santiago de Cuba during the first trimester of 1995 were taken as a sample. The nursing work was analyzed, as well as the correct advising given to the pregnant patients and to those who had already delivered in order to evaluate their nutritional status. The following characteristics of the sample were considered: age, educational level, parity, weight gain during pregnancy and at the end of it, and gestational age at delivery. Most of the pregnant women were between 18 and 35 years and had attained a senior high school level. There was a predominance of parity 0-2. It was proved that the nutritional status is related to weight and size. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy was positive.


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