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vol.13 issue1Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson en el curso del SIDA: Acciones de enfermería ante la infección author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Cubana de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1561-2961


MEDINA ARTILES, Epifanía; RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Miguel  and  ACOSTA SUAREZ, Gloria. El estándar de cuidados del alto riesgo de síndrome de desuso. Rev Cubana Enfermer [online]. 1997, vol.13, n.1, pp. 54-59. ISSN 1561-2961.

The present paper expresses the need to standardize the basic care that should be given to the patients with musculoskeletal inactivity, Starting from the definition of the high risk disuse syndrome category, the body systems' functionality will be determined. It is important to consider the patients' participation in the activities carried out, as well as their feelings regarding their status and the effects it may produce. The nurse should demonstrate her knowledge and abilities to take care of the patients, keeping the integrity of the skin and of the mucous membranes. An exhaustive bibliographic review was made for this paper. The basic care the patients with musculoskeletal inactivity (disuse syndrome) should receive are explained here.

Keywords : BED REST [nursing]; NURSING CARE [standards].

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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