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Pastos y Forrajes

On-line version ISSN 2078-8452


DELGADO-GARCIA, Alvaro et al. Effect of the substitution of corn by crude glycerol on dry matter intake, in grazing Holando cows. Pastos y Forrajes [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.2, pp. 131-137. ISSN 2078-8452.

In order to evaluate the effect of the substitution of corn by crude glycerol on the DM intake, a study was conducted in which 18 Holando cows (16 multiparous and 2 primiparous ones) in the first 60 days of lactation, were used. The intake of the diet components and the intake of total dry matter were determined, through the double-marker technique; in addition, a feeding balance was made. The cows were divided in two treatments, and were incorporated to a feeding system consisting in night grazing and consumption of a partially mixed ration (PMR) in feeding trough, in the morning. The diet was composed by sorghum silage and concentrate feed, the latter defined the treatments. In the control treatment a concentrate feed that contained corn (38,6 % on fresh basis) was used, and in the other one, corn was substituted by crude glycerol with 76,5 % of purity. For the statistical processing a mixed model of measures repeated in time was used. The treatment influenced the intake of PMR, with an increase of approximately 2 kg DMday-1 in the control; however, there was no effect on the total dry matter intake. It is concluded that this proportion of glycerol, in substitution of corn in the concentrate, did not affect the dry matter intake in highly-producing cows at the beginning of lactation. Likewise, its use is recommended, due to the benefits that can be obtained from the economic and environmental point of view.

Keywords : lactation; grazing; dairy cows.

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