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Educación Médica Superior

On-line version ISSN 1561-2902


RODRIGUEZ CABRERA, Aida; CASTANEDA ABASCAL, Ileana Elena; HERNANDEZ MELENDREZ, Digna Edelsys  and  DIAZ BERNAL, Zoe. Outcomes of the doctoral training strategy in the work developed by the National School of Public Health. Educ Med Super [online]. 2020, vol.34, n.1  Epub May 11, 2020. ISSN 1561-2902.


The current purpose of increasing the training of doctors in the health sector responds to the need to solve problems related to population health and care through organized services, based on the work of professionals trained with a scientific approach.


To describe the outcomes of the doctoral training strategy of the professors of the National School of Public Health between 2017 and 2018.


Descriptive and cross-sectional research, which studied all the professors of the National School of Public Health. The information available was obtained from the heads of the teaching departments and structured in databases of the Doctoral Programs Office of that institution. The database that included those enrolled in the PhD in Health Sciences or another area of knowledge outside the institution was also analyzed.


A good functioning was achieved in the conduction of the strategy and the insertion of the candidates to research groups was a positive experience. Some slowness was evidenced in some professors regarding the phase of definition of their subjects and in the approval of the projects by the scientific committee. This caused stagnation in the development of teachers, so it should be considered with greater weight in its evaluation.


The National School of Public Health has implemented the strategy of doctoral training for its professors from their posts, and has managed to link the lines of doctoral research with theses of master’s degrees and medical specialties. This strategy has shown feasibility and satisfactory outcomes, although there are still some gaps that are part of the institution's projections to improve doctoral training.

Keywords : PhD training; health sector; Cuba.

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