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Revista Cubana de Oftalmología
On-line version ISSN 1561-3070
RODRIGUEZ, Maritza Miqueli; MENDEZ SANCHEZ, Teresita de Jesús and NARANJO FERNANDEZ, Rosa. Primary congenital glaucoma: when should it be suspected?. Rev Cubana Oftalmol [online]. 2019, vol.32, n.3 Epub Sep 01, 2019. ISSN 1561-3070.
Updated information is provided about the diagnosis and treatment of primary childhood glaucoma, given the importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment to obtain the best possible results. Despite the emergence of new drugs and surgical techniques to treat this disorder, there is still controversy about how we should perform the positive diagnosis, what treatment or surgical technique should be used and when, and which would be the best. When childhood glaucoma (whether primary or secondary) presents at early stages of life - even at birth -, in which case surgery should be indicated as soon as possible, we are faced with the dilemma of what drugs we may or may not use, due to lack of knowledge about undesirable effects which could appear at these ages, and bearing in mind that these children will be our patients for a lifetime. It is thus necessary to be informed about this topic and go over it once again. It is recommended to instruct pediatricians and ophthalmologists to ensure timely, appropriate referral of the child patient to a specialized center where they will receive surgical treatment, thus improving their visual prognosis.
Keywords : Early diagnosis; childhood glaucoma; primary congenital glaucoma.