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vol.9 número1Desarrollo de la creatividad en la formación de los profesionalesCiencia y tecnología en la sociedad: Perspectiva histórico-conceptual índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1024-9435


ARENCIBIA JORGE, Ricardo  y  GUERRA PEREZ, Marisol. Indicadores estadísticos en la evaluación de las bibliotecas médicas. ACIMED [online]. 2001, vol.9, n.1, pp. 64-71. ISSN 1024-9435.

The work carried out by the medical library of the "Ramón González Coro" gynecoobstetric hospital during two years was analized by means of indicators of efficiency. The study was divided into four semesters. The values of the different selected economic indicators and of the indicators of utilization and productivity were calculated. The results can be observed in tables showing the advances achieved by the library two years after its reopening. However, the non-correspondance of the results obtained with the requirements of a national reference center and the need to work in order to improve them were stressed. The importance of the use of indicators of efficiency to control and evaluate the work of the libraries and information centers was also underlined

Palabras clave : LIBRARIES; MEDICAL; INDICATORS [efficiency]; INDICATORS [utilization]; INDICATORS [economics]; INDICATORS [advantages].

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