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vol.15 número8Breves consideraciones históricas, jurídicas y actuales acerca del aborto y la regulación menstrual índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1029-3019


HODELIN TABLADA, Ricardo. From the authors of "Colección Autoayuda" to the "Oriente" Editorial in its 40th anniversary. MEDISAN [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.8, pp. 1185-1188. ISSN 1029-3019.

On behalf of all the health professionals who have published their experiences in the books of "AutoAyuda" the author recognizes that this recognized Collection has contributed to the fact that "Oriente" publishing house from the Cuban Book Institute continues being the family publishing house. In its 40 years of foundation, this institution has been winning more and more prestige, impact and accessibility; that is why it has a deserved recognition to its important promotion and publication works of topics related to the biomedical sciences in general, written with simplicity and originality.

Palabras clave : Colección AutoAyuda; medicine texts; publishing house.

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