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VIVAS BOMBINO, Luis et al. Increase of knowledge on the human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS in prisoners of Prison Kilo 8 from Pinar del Río. MEDISAN [online]. 2013, vol.17, n.4, pp. 591-598. ISSN 1029-3019.

Introduction: several factors, such as: individual personality, social status, moral in the social and family environments influence the sexual behaviour. Objective: to increase the knowledge on HIV/AIDS in prisoners of the Prison Kilo 8 from Pinar del Río. Methods: a study of educational intervention was carried out in 70 prisoners between 20-30 years, belonging to the Prison Kilo 8 of Pinar del Río, from January to July, 2011. The investigation was designed in 3 stages, according to the general protocol of the Community Intervention Program (initial diagnosis, intervention and final diagnosis). For the comparative analysis the chi-square test was used. Results: initially, difficulties were found in the level of knowledge on concepts, transmission ways and main risky behaviours, but once the educational intervention was concluded, significant changes were obtained, because 97.1% identified HIV/aids and they recognized the prevention measures; 98.5% knew the risky behaviours; 95.7% knew about the transmission ways and all expressed the necessity to use the condom. Conclusions: the effectiveness of the instruction carried out was demonstrated, which allowed to develop practices to avoid the infection by HIV/aids, as well as to have a healthy and safe sexuality.

Keywords : prisoner; HIV/aids; level of knowledge; educational intervention; educational program; Prison Kilo-8.

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