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On-line version ISSN 1029-3019


RODRIGUEZ BAEZ, Lesbia Eloina; GONZALEZ PENA, Odalys María  and  CARO FERNANDEZ, Miriam Teresa. Relevancy of a professionalization strategy for ophthalmologists on the prevention of visual disability. MEDISAN [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.3, pp. 746-761.  Epub June 14, 2021. ISSN 1029-3019.

In the ophthalmology specialty, professionalization constitutes a demand, taking into account the humanist principle of the patient care, sustained in the continuous improvement of knowledge and abilities that guarantee his life quality and social well-being, as well as in the analysis of the process of professional training in health promotion and prevention of the diseases that cause visual disability. In such a sense, the relevancy of a professionalization strategy implementation on visual disability for the specialists in ophthalmology is argued in this work, which is coherent with the permanent and continuous education, because it contributes to the improvement of the professional performance in the comprehensive care to the patients that are suffering due to this health problem.

Keywords : professional training; professional competence; ophthalmologists; visual disability; training strategy; prevention of diseases.

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