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FOUCES GUTIERREZ, Yudania; GONZALEZ GARCIA, Tania Rosa; FUENTES PELIER, Damaris  and  MARTINEZ SARIOL, Elsa. Training strategy for improving the professional performance in primary health care ophthalmologists in Santiago de Cuba. MEDISAN [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.3, pp. 780-796.  Epub May 10, 2021. ISSN 1029-3019.

The fast scientific and technological development of Ophthalmology requires a systematic updating from the theoretical and practical points of view. To such effects, a training strategy was designed for the improvement of professional performance of the primary care ophthalmologists directed to the comprehensive care of patients with retinal vascular occlusions. Empiric and theoretical level methods were used. The strategy was designed in 4 stages and the Deming cycle was implemented as methodological referent. Essential relationships were established which offer internal logical coherence to the Medical Education in its conception as science, particularly in the area of permanent and continued training of the health professionals, as there is a deepening in the conceptual, methodological and epistemological order in the processes of professional and training performance.

Keywords : training strategy; professional training; ophthalmologist; retinal vascular occlusion; primary health care.

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