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Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental
Print version ISSN 1680-0338
CORDOVA LOPEZ, Luis F.; HERNANDEZ VALDES, Kenia and BENITEZ CRISTIA, Héctor. Mathematical simulation of morphological processes in beaches with submerged breakwaters. riha [online]. 2017, vol.38, n.1, pp. 59-71. ISSN 1680-0338.
The increment and development of investments associated with sun and beach tourism, together with population increase in coastal areas at world level, make that every day bigger importance is given to know the behavior of the interaction between the surf and the structures of coastal defense, together with the need of predicting in a quick and correct way the morphodinamics processes happening under extreme situations. The present work evaluates the capacity of the mathematical model XBeach for simulating the interaction wave - submerged breakwater by simulating the behavior of a group of hydrodynamic as well as morphological variables, which tests the capacity of the model to reproduce phenomena happening on the beaches under the presence of submerged breakwaters.
Keywords : mathematical model; morphological processes; submerged breakwater.