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Humanidades Médicas

On-line version ISSN 1727-8120


AGUIRRE DEL BUSTO, Rosa Luisa  and  MACIAS LLANES, María Elena. ¿Scientific truth exist? Historic opinions about the discovery of Carlos J. Finlay. Rev Hum Med [online]. 2004, vol.4, n.3, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1727-8120.

The authors carry out the design of the subject Philosophy and Health II as part of the curriculum for the first year students of the medicine stomatology and nursing, based on Carlos J Finlay' discovery, on the agent that transmits the Yellow fever. As a outcome of an experience in the Health and CTS + I Studies of the University of the Havana, it is intended to reconstruct the controversial issues about Finlay's discovery; at the same time the research will provide us with the theoretical tools to understand scientific truths as social phenomena. Putting into practice the methodology learned, the design was developed in a Historic case study which demands theuse of a didactic guide, the controversial background, the stating of objectives, and a series of orientations for students which allow them to develop research habilities and concepts and, at the same time will awake in them their interest for studying the life and the work of the scientist from Camagüey. In short, it is possible to use the history of the medicine as a necessary tool when teaching future medical doctors. The subject matter seleted from the philosophical viewpoint about scientific truth will permit them to obtain knowledge as a social means, based on interests and human values, but in no way arbitrary


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