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vol.22 número2Tendências da atividade experimental na formação inicial de professores de física em CubaGuias de estúdio da disciplina História da Química para o Curso de Encontro de Licenciatura em Educação em Química índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1814-151X


SANCHEZ-ARENCIBIA, Alba; CRUZ, Jorge Alejandro-Laguna  e  RUIZ-BOSCH, Catia. Proposal of improvement aimed at directing community environmental education. Luz [online]. 2023, vol.22, n.2, pp. 32-45.  Epub 15-Jun-2023. ISSN 1814-151X.

In the article, the authors expose results of a research developed in the major Bachelor in Accounting and Finances of the University of Holguín, Cuba, with the purpose of elaborating and implementing an improvement strategy for the training of professors in the direction of Community environmental education of their students. The use of scientific methods allowed the authors to reveal insufficiencies and the probable causes of those insufficiencies, which were related with the training of professors to direct the process of the Community environmental education with their students. The improvement strategy responds to the basic regulations established by the current legislation of the Republic of Cuba for Postgraduate Education. Its implementation, as part of the introduction of the results of the research, in the major of Accounting and Finances of the University of Holguín, has revealed how relevant is the proposal for the solution of the insufficiencies declared by the authors.

Palavras-chave : community environmental education; improvement strategy; permanent training of professors.

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