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Revista Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias

On-line version ISSN 2071-0054


RODRIGUEZ-LOPEZ, Yanara; MOREJON-MESA, Yanoy  and  JIMENEZ-ALVAREZ, Yolanda R. The Stability in Rational Composition of the Sugarcane Harvest-Transport-Reception System. Rev Cie Téc Agr [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.2  Epub May 13, 2022. ISSN 2071-0054.

The present investigation was carried out in “Héctor Molina Riaño” Base Business Unit, with the objective of determining the rational organization of the sugarcane harvest-transport-reception system, through the integration of mathematical models, which guarantee the stability of the flow in the system. The rational conformation of the harvest-transport-reception-system was determined using the following methods: linear programming, queuing theory for a single service station and for stations in cascades. When analyzing the stability of the compositions with the Markov chain model, it is found that the most stable variant is when the queuing theory is used in cascades when working in fields of 75 t/ha, with two CASE IH 8800 Harvesters and four Tractors BELARUS 1523 + four VTX 10000 dump trailers, four HOWO SINOTRUCK aggregates + two trailers and three reception centers with a probability of 53.79% that the cycle will not be interrupted and a cost of system stops of 33.05 peso/h , being possible to reduce the costs by stops in more than 30%, observing a marked influence when increasing the number of collection centers

Keywords : Organization; Queuing Theory; Markov Chain; System.

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