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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2218-3620


HERNANDEZ NODARSE, Tania; MURGUIA MORE, Merling; MORE ESTUPINAN, Mavel  and  CAPOTE FRAGOSO, Yanidel. Continuous teacher training for educational inclusion. Theoretical-practical renewal. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2024, vol.16, n.2, pp. 83-93.  Epub Apr 30, 2024. ISSN 2218-3620.

Given the growing openness to educational inclusion, the improvement of continuous teacher training is a permanent requirement of educational systems, and constitutes the focus of the work that is presented, with the aim of proposing the theoretical-practical renewal that demands said process. A cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive investigation was carried out, with a predominantly qualitative approach, and the use of scientific methods with their corresponding instruments. From the identification of strengths and weaknesses, the theoretical-practical renewal of continuous teacher training for educational inclusion emerged which, from the theoretical point of view, points to the need to offer a comprehensive and comprehensive idea of its character and content. through the establishment of supports that give it internal consistency, and determine invariants for its conception; while methodologically, it suggests action schemes that are operational and functional, through procedures organized in stages, that favor the reconstruction of the practice through research and the introduction of reforms. The theoretical-practical renewal is expressed in a set of guiding ideas that imply generalizations of knowledge about what and how continuous teacher training for educational inclusion should be.

Keywords : Continuous training; Educational inclusion; Sustainable development; Renewal.

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