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Retos de la Dirección

On-line version ISSN 2306-9155


GARCIA BONILLA, Yanisleidys  and  LOPEZ BOUDET, Roberto. Design of the tourist product Walking for health at the Horizontes Villa Soroa hotel. Rev retos [online]. 2023, vol.17, n.3  Epub Nov 18, 2023. ISSN 2306-9155.


Design a procedure for the launch of a new nature tourism product.

Methods and techniques:

PEST analysis, Porter five strengths for a competitive environment, SWOT matrix, expert’s methodology and indicators for economic feasability evaluation.

Main results:

Stages for the launch of the new nature product called “Walking for health” in the hotel under study.


The proposed procedure contribute to launch a new touristic nature product “Walking healthy”, which one has nine stages y it fits to the hotel characteristics due to his natural environment; therefore, commercial strategies were determinated through four basic mix marketing variables and an action plan were designed for its implementation.

Keywords : tourist modalities; nature tourism; tourist products; Cuban hotels.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )