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Revista Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina

On-line version ISSN 2308-0132


SALAZAR CISNEROS, Yiglén. Cultural Development, Necessary Complicity. Estudios del Desarrollo Social [online]. 2019, vol.7, n.1, pp. 88-99.  Epub Sep 01, 2019. ISSN 2308-0132.

The article makes an approximation to the emergence, main ideas and importance of the concept of cultural development. It also handles theoretical postulates of the definition of culture and its evolution, through an analysis of some of the trends that have been addressed in its study. Also, conceptual and historical ideas about the notion of development are referenced. Subsequently, an analysis is made of the overlap of the concepts of culture and development, endorsed in normative documents of international and national organizations. Finally, the concept of cultural development is advocated, in which culture is recognized as a central dimension of development.

Keywords : culture; development; cultural development.

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