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Revista Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina

versión On-line ISSN 2308-0132


PANELLAS-ALVAREZ, Daybel; ARANGO-RODRIGUEZ, Laura; ALVAREZ-DIAZ, Carolina  y  CAPOTE-SANTANA, Naiby Teresa. Perceptions of Cubans Living Abroad in the Face of COVID-19. Estudios del Desarrollo Social [online]. 2021, vol.9, n.1  Epub 01-Abr-2021. ISSN 2308-0132.

The arrival of COVID 19 impacted our daily lives. The current article identify perceptions of the valence of the pandemic during the period of confinement. The perception of events and people is characterized, with positive and negative significance, during the COVID-19, by 219 Cubans between 18 and 80 years old, living abroad. The questionnaire was placed in Google forms, accessing it through a link sent by invitation of WhatsApp. The main findings show that it was a period of discoveries, not all negative, from which we can learn, to enhance well-being. The link of Cuban emigration with relatives in Cuba is evident, and the presence of Cuba in their daily lives.

Palabras clave : Cuban migration; impact; pandemic.

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