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Cultivos Tropicales

On-line version ISSN 1819-4087

cultrop vol.40 no.4 La Habana Oct.-Dec. 2019  Epub Dec 01, 2019


Report of new cultivar

“Reysa”, new cuban cultivar of potato

Jorge L. Salomón-Díaz1  *  , Juan G. Castillo-Hernández1  , Beatriz Araujo1  , Odalis Céspedes1 

1Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA), carretera San José-Tapaste, km 3½, Gaveta Postal 1, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba. CP 32 700


Thousands of potato cultivars have been reported worldwide. In Cuba, a new potato cultivar was selected and named “Reysa”, originated from a cross between the I-1039 and C-90-154 clones, the progeny consisting of 200 botanical seeds came from the International Potato Center in Peru, they were subjected to selection for 13 years in the Program of Genetic Improvement of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Various morphoagronomic characters were from the hybrid family stage evaluated and as clone 9-12-05. This clone was in the following clonal generations selected for its appropriate field behavior and desired morpho-agronomic characters, its performance ranged between 30 and 40 t ha-1, as well as its good behavior before the main pests and diseases in field conditions.

Key words: improvement; diseases; performance; selection


In 2005, 200 botanical potato seeds from the crossing made with parents I-1039 and C-90-154 were received at INCA of the International Potato Center (CIP) of Peru. After 13 years (2005-2018) of evaluation and selection of clone 9-12-05, by the Cuban Genetic Improvement Scheme, the new potato cultivar “Reysa” is proposed. (Figure 1)


Figure 1 New potato cultivar “Reysa” 

Description of the characters of cultivar of potato “Reysa”

  • Number of leaflets: 5

  • Leaflet shape: Asymmetric

  • Plant height: 40-45 cm

  • Presence of anthocyanin in the stem: Yes

  • Number of stems per seedling: 2-3

  • Flower color: white

  • Shape of the leaves: open

  • Field closure: good (45 days)

  • Vegetative cycle: short (90 days)

  • Number of tubers per plant: 6 to 10

  • Yield per hectare (t ha-1): 30 to 41 (high)

  • Tuber skin color: yellow

  • Tuber shape: round

  • Eye Depth: Medium

  • Tuber uniformity: medium to large

  • Appearance: good

  • Color of tuber mass: yellow

  • Dry matter (%): 17

  • Alternaria solani: resistant (grade 3 in field conditions) on the 9 degree scale

  • Phytophthora infestans: moderately resistant (25 % of the foliage affected in field conditions)

  • Streptomyces scabies: resistant (grade 1) on the 6 degree scale

  • Virus PLRV: tolerant (0.5 affected plants in field conditions)

Table 1 shows the yield per hectare and number of tubers obtained during eight agricultural campaigns.

Table 1 Yield per hectares and number of tubers per plant obtained for the cultivar “Reysa”, during eight agricultural campaigns  

Campaign/Locality INCA
Yield (t ha-1) Number of tubers per plant
2009-2010 40.5 7.1
2010-2011 33.3 6.2
2011-2012 33.7 6.5
2012-2013 35.4 7.2
2013-2014 31.1 6.7
2014-2015 32.4 7.1
2015-2016 32.3 6.8
2016-2017 30.5 6.1
2017-2018 41.1 10.0
Mean 33.5 7.3

Received: April 02, 2019; Accepted: October 22, 2019

*Author for correspondence.

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