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Revista de Protección Vegetal

On-line version ISSN 2224-4697

Rev. Protección Veg. vol.35 no.1 La Habana Jan.-Apr. 2020  Epub Apr 01, 2020


Letter to editor

Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckfeldt & Nirenberg strain MV 020013 - promising agent for management of Fusarium oxysporum cubense TR4 Race

Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckfeldt & Nirenberg cepa MV 020013 - promisorio agente para el manejo de Fusarium oxysporum cubense R4T

0000-0002-2700-0305Benedicto Martínez Coca1  , 0000-0002-1341-0928Luis Fernando Torres2  , 0000-0002-5599-874XMilton Pineda2 

1Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria, Cuba.

2Biotor Labs Technology, Nicaragua.

Dear editor:

The Tropical Race 4 (TR4) of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC) is a threat to the production of plantains and bananas in Latin America due to its devastating effect and difficult control. Based on these antecedents, the strain MV 020013 of Trichoderma asperellum Samuels, Lieckfeldt & Nirenberg (Ta.13), from the National Center for Plant and Animal Health (CENSA) in Cuba, was evaluated against a FOC-TR4 isolate at Real Strong AgriCulture Innovention, in the Philippines. The dual-culture technique was used in a PDA medium at 28°C for 12 days. The inhibition percentage of pathogen growth on the co-culture was calculated and compared with that of the control without the antagonist. This strain of T. asperellum showed high efficacy in controlling this pathogen. At the sixth day of culture, the percentage of FOC TR4 inhibition was 55.60 %, and, on day 12, the antagonist strain had overgrown the Fusarium colony and completely inhibited its growth. This makes evident the presence of mycoparasitism and the possible release of toxic metabolites to the plant pathogen by the antagonist. This result shows the potential of the strain Ta. 13 of T. asperellum against the causal agent of Panama Disease TR4, being a promising strain that should be evaluated to determine the form of application, dose and efficacy in the control of this disease under field conditions.


*Autor para correspondencia: Benedicto Martínez Coca. E-mail:

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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