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vol.19 número1Bases metodológicas para una práctica de campo integradora a través del uso de ExeLearningProfesionalización de la disciplina Preparación para la Defensa en las carreras de Ingeniería y Arquitectura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Mendive. Revista de Educación

versión On-line ISSN 1815-7696

Rev. Mendive vol.19 no.1 Pinar del Río ene.-mar. 2021  Epub 02-Mar-2021


Original article

The ideological political preparation of students at the Municipal University Center

0000-0002-1263-0865Isabel Reinoso Castillo1  *  , 0000-0003-4468-2253Juan Carlos Hernández Martín2 

1 Universidad de Pinar del Río 'Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba.

2 Centro Universitario Municipal Consolación del Sur. Cuba


In the current conditions that the country is going through, the role of the University in the formation of new generations is increased, with the aim that solid ideopolitical convictions are developed in it, therefore the work is aimed at contributing to the political-ideological preparation of the students of universalization in the municipality of Consolación del Sur, focusing attention on the conception that is formed in the students about the difficult moments in which the Homeland lives, the reason for this situation, so that on the based on certain consciously assimilated concepts, play an active role in the struggle waged by the Cuban people in the political-ideological confrontation. The main objective of this article is to deepen the political-ideological work from the universalization careers. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, such as: Historical and logical, the systemic-structural approach, the analysis of documents, the interview, survey, observation. As a result, a system of activities was developed that allows for a greater link with the political-ideological work that takes place in the center.

Key words: Political preparation; universalization; ideological political work; municipal university center


Faced with the difficult conditions that current Cuban society lives, it is a historical requirement of the present generations to face the challenges and challenges that fighting and working tirelessly to safeguard the conquests of socialism and guarantee the continuity of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development represents rose in the Documents of the seventh Party Congress, but for this it is necessary to deepen the revolutionary consciousness in the students, to achieve high knowledge and the broadest and most comprehensive culture.

At this time, the political and ideological preparation of the students takes on great significance due to the intensified ideological struggle that is being waged for the world hegemony of imperialism, the intensification of its aggressions against Cuba and the consequences of the collapse of the socialist field.

Notes on politics and ideology

Regarding politics (Cruz, 1999) he points out that "throughout history it has been an instrument of social action for the consolidation, consolidation or transformation of social relations, fundamentally the production relations in force at a certain time.

In this regard (Rosental and Iudin, 1981) they specify that politics is the participation in State affairs, the orientation of the State, the determination of the forms, tasks and content of state activity (...)

From the Marxist-Leninist point of view, it is clear that politics is a social phenomenon, since the action of social classes intervenes through the mechanisms of government and the State where activities interact based on the maintenance of power in aspiration and struggle for keeping it.

According to (Cabrera and Aguilera, 1999, p.25) "Classical Marxism has analyzed politics over and over again as the highest product of the class struggle, observing its culminating point at the moment it is identified with the conformation of state power (...)

So there is a great relationship between politics and ideology. The latter has also been analyzed from the Marxist point of view, it responds as has been shown to class interests. Each Economic Social Formation has been accompanied by its respective class interests, as demonstrated by Karl Marx, Federico Engels and Vladimir Lenin.

According to (Acosta, 2014,31) "In Marxist thought the use of the word ideology is observed in two forms that occur over time, one as false, distorted consciousness and the other as theoretical ideas and conceptions of a social class".

On the term ideology Rosental (1981, 23) they express "system of conceptions and ideas: political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious and philosophical. Ideology is part of the superstructure (Base and structure) and as such reflects, ultimately economic relations"

They point out (Guzmán & Rojas, 2015) referring to the term political ideology: "Political ideology can be defined as a set of beliefs about the adequate way in which society should be ordered and how this order can be achieved (...)

The above definitions are of vital importance to understand the political-ideological work, the relationship between politics and ideology and its link to Higher Education institutions, work that students and teachers carry out as part of the strategy of educational and political-ideological work.

Role of the University in the development of political-ideological work

The mission of the University is not only to train professionals, but it must also be able to promote culture, develop political-ideological work and promote the communist formation of the new generations that will give continuity to the Revolution, for This it requires that they be given all the possibilities so that they are able to demonstrate in practice their decision to defend the interests of the nation.

According to Pupo Rodríguez, et al. (2018)

Political-ideological work in universities cannot be simplified under current conditions. This new scenario calls for the construction of intelligent, well-thought-out responses that respond to the needs of the moment our university community is experiencing, but, above all, it calls for daily ideological combat. It is necessary to shake the higher education system, persuade and convince its cadres, teachers, students and workers of the risk that the Revolution runs, so that they are ready to achieve a true and effective comprehensive training.

All of the above reinforces once again the role that the University must develop with respect to political-ideological work, a fundamental aspect for the comprehensive training of students.

Cuervo and Céspedes (2020) "The ideological preparation of the new generation and the exaltation of its most sublime values, is, therefore, an urgent need in our Cuban educational system, one of the indispensable conditions for the achievement of victory"

It is becoming more and more necessary to exalt the best values that society has treasured for decades and to make them available to the professionals that we train, as part of the social project and thus face subversion.

Subversion. Teachers' role

The higher education teacher must prepare every day to face subversion and the struggle for the Cuban social project. In this regard (García Cruz, 2005) points out:

Ideological political work at school is an ideological and organizational activity that is carried out with teachers and students, it is based on the ideology of the Revolution and is aimed at providing them with a solid political-ideological culture that is expressed in the adoption of a position in defense of the Cuban, socialist and third world social project, and in defense of themselves, in the face of the overwhelming standardization promoted by imperialism and which expresses it in its political and social activity through the different means of dissemination and diffusion.

Referring to the work of teachers and students against subversion that tries to distort history. It stands out (Cañedo, 2016, 54) when addressing the dismantling of history as part of the political-ideological subversion and the cultural war: "our past is manipulated and distorted, its most sensitive and symbolic bases are attacked, precisely because it is intended to sweep away with the example of the Cuban Revolution from its own roots (…)

Considering the above and related to the imperial attitude of imposing neocolonialism and neoliberalism at the world level in order to change the system and try to dismantle the socialist system (Machado, 2017) referring to the international context from the political ideological point of view- expressed: "Today imperialism seeks new alliances and tries by all possible means to stifle and destroy any attempt at social change."

This is one of the issues that educators should keep in mind to influence from the political ideological point of view in the students and sow in them principles of equality, solidarity, internationalism, social justice, among others.

Hidalgo, (2017) writes "Among the factors that emerged in the process of socialist construction are the inevitable sociological and ideological impact of consumerist and hedonistic values outside those sustained by the Revolution, especially among certain young sectors of the population (...) "

On the socio-political dimension and the need for it to continue to be perfected in university students as part of the political-ideological work

Macías et al., (2012) points out

The socio-political dimension aims to strengthen the ideological political conception of students in correspondence with the socialist social system, through the systematic development of socio-political activities that encompasses all spheres of student life (...)

In correspondence with the participation of the students from the socio-political dimension Rodríguez et al. (2019):

Socio-political work must be characterized by being:

  • Participatory: it involves students, teachers, workers, the University and the social environment from an active stance and transformation of reality, enabling the multidisciplinary evaluation of the actions that must be undertaken, in order to enhance the role of the social factors involved in its management.

  • Dialogic: it contributes to the establishment of a dialogical reality, which excludes mere diffusion and tends to exchange proposals between the University and society. Communicate, convince and commit to achieve the active participation of the university community in all activities or initiatives that are developed.

  • Creative: for generating innovative and transcendent actions.

  • Contextualized: it adapts to the peculiarities of the context in which it operates and evolves dynamically depending on the change experienced by the conditions in which it operates, maintaining efficiency and orientation towards the final objectives.

It is necessary to continue delving into it as part of the political-ideological work, students and teachers must be true continuators of the ideology of the Cuban Revolution.

Coinciding with the importance of these issues for the training of students, political-ideological work and the role played by universities, it is a real challenge to train professionals whose values respond to a responsible action committed to solving problems of their work environment, demonstrating competence in their performance and citizen action worthy of the highest moral values that distinguish Cuban society. Marrero et al. (2019) outlines that

The shifts of debate and reflection are a fundamental link for the political-ideological work in the students (...) the adequate selection of their topics, the realization of the debates assuming new methods and the protagonism of the students supported in the search of data to Starting from information and communication technologies are a necessity to stimulate controversy, the capacity for committed and revolutionary critical analysis, knowledge and respect for history and objective analysis of the main problems and difficulties related to political life and of the country and the rest of the world (...)

Educational work. Role of the teaching staff. Reflections

Taking into account the aforementioned, educational work in school must be characterized by coherence, flexibility, intentionality in which teachers play an important role, in order to guarantee the transformation in the way of acting of students

It is necessary to take advantage of all the possibilities and opportunities offered by the entire system of educational influences to develop ideological political work because land that is left free will undoubtedly be used by the enemy to develop their work, thereby seeking to destabilize the country, negatively influence the new generations, for being one of the most vulnerable sectors to use all their intelligence, resources and technology with the objective of destroying the Revolution. Hence, all activities must have a marked intentionality, stripped of all formalism and schematics.

The battle in the field of ideas is much more difficult now, more subtle and complex than before, therefore, for its development, in addition to the firmness of principles, greater preparation and intelligence to carry out such work is necessary. The preparation of the youth in this field is important because this sector of society did not live the experience of capitalism and it is towards it that the enemies direct their ideological work.

Students must be active advocates of the Revolution anytime and anywhere they are.

There is a group of workers who develop the course by meeting, where we must successfully develop political-ideological work.

It is necessary to guarantee to develop a good political-ideological work with students and youth in general to confront subversion. Pérez et al. (2020); (2019) point out "The search for different ways to develop ideological political work in Cuban universities and its implementation needs to specify urgent alternatives to the challenges launched by the enemy's struggle to divide society and impose its model (...)

Hurtado, (2014) points out: "They carry out a special task to influence youth, looking for those who can be" agents of change ", charismatic leaders for counterrevolutionary activity. For this they use different channels of influence (...)

On the work that the University has to develop on ideological political work, Russell et al. (2016).

The university is a space for reflection, analysis and critical thinking, open to the diversity of approaches, perspectives and ways of knowing the world and society, rigorous in the search for contrasted knowledge and a promoter of debate, dialogue and proposals. Without a doubt, they should all be values that inspire teaching and are part of the vital and professional learning experience for future education professionals.

The foregoing confirms once again that the University plays an important role in the political-ideological formation of professionals who will be the continuators of everything achieved in more than six decades.

Fundamental characteristics of the pedagogical model

The model for the Universalization of teaching as stated in the Regulations on the organizational aspects and the teaching and methodological work regime for the careers studied at the University.

Alegret Affirms, (2005)

The main characteristics of the pedagogical model are: flexible, structured, and student-centered and with a system of classroom activities. Flexible, so that it can adapt to various work situations, territorial characteristics and individual rhythm of the student's academic achievement. Structured to favor the organization of learning, stimulate progress throughout the career and facilitate the support that the Headquarters should provide. Focused on the student, as they must actively assume their own training process. With a system of face-to-face activities that allow teachers to guide and accompany you during your studies.

As the aforementioned regulation indicates, this model is made up of:

  • Tutorials: Each student is assisted by a tutor, who, individually, advises, guides and helps them during the career.

  • Encounters by subject: In these, the student clarifies doubts, checks the results of their self-preparation and receives the essential contents of the corresponding subject and the instructions for independent study.

  • Consultations by subjects: Allows students to clarify the doubts that arise during independent study. They can be individual or collective.

  • Computer workshops: They encourage students to exercise and appropriate the tools required by the careers.

These activities are the way to develop political-ideological work, adapting them to each specific situation.

Based on these elements, a system of activities was developed to help raise the level of preparation of students in national and international events, the Cuban reality and the world, the general culture and the political culture in particular.

It means that to face any slander against the Revolution one must be updated and duly informed, that is why it is necessary to prepare students for this, the essential objectives of the ideological political preparation of these young people is to train and develop in them a revolutionary, patriotic and anti-imperialist conscience, feelings of belonging to the Cuban revolution, of identifying the values that characterize the people, instilling in them principles and positions, so that they are capable of arguing and assessing the causes of the current situation that the country as well as the essence and consequences of Neoliberal Globalization so that they know how to defend with solid arguments and combatively the revolution of sovereignty, national independence and social justice.

Aim Diaz, (2005)

So that the main master strategy to develop the educational and ideological political work in the Headquarters can be effective, it is essential that the plan to improve the professionals can enhance their needs and this can only work if there is a good characterization of the professionals both at part-time as their own or full-time and a knowledge of the social environment of the territory and the general conditions of the Headquarters.

It is necessary to specify the system of activities to be developed to ensure that the students form and consolidate the essential values that every revolutionary must possess; hence, they are proposed as fundamental themes for their analysis and debates through the different channels:

Students must be given the information and arguments that allow them to rely on sufficient concepts and facts that allow them to consciously defend the positions and principles of the Revolution.

Making this work effective and concrete requires each teacher, each tutor:

  • Spread the terrible reality that the peoples of Latin America are going through.

  • Consistently highlight national and local history

  • Delve into the thought of Marti.

  • Spread the main conquests of socialism in Cuba.

  • Explain the economic situation of Cuba after the disappearance of the socialist field. In addition to the Update of the Cuban Economic Model.

  • Delve into the Constitution of the Republic.

In order to create reading habits of the press and to achieve systematized information through the television and / or radio newscasts, the initial part of each face-to-face activity is used to make a comment and debate the most current national, international or local events, which help to them motivate by seeking information, the self-preparation. This will be linked to the information acquired through the round tables, the open stands, the written press, publications, and articles.

To stimulate motivation and recognize those who are more proficient and those who are more up-to-date, it is proposed to promote knowledge meetings, contests, scientific workshops and other ideas and initiatives that may arise in each group.

It is a task to strengthen the discipline of students and the acquisition of standards of behavior in accordance with society so that they become conscious attitudes.

All the activities that make up this system are duly planned, so that their organization, execution and control is a non-delegable responsibility of the director of the Municipal University Center, but this is not a rigid planning because everything that arises can be systematically incorporated into it in the dynamic process of daily events both from the national, local and international point of view to deepen the political-ideological work from the careers of universalization.

Materials and methods

To collect data and obtain the results of this research, different methods were used, starting from a dialectical approach, which allowed determining the causal relationships between the university extension process and the development of work in young people, in addition to solving the contradictions present, as well as integrating the other methods used. As a general logic and methodology for the acquisition of knowledge and to operate with the scientific methods of science.

Theoretical level methods

  • Historical and logical: It was used in order to make an analysis of the origin and evolution of the political-ideological work up to the present time, facilitating the understanding of the historical and social conditions in which it unfolds.

  • Systemic and structural approach: It was used for the analysis of the diagnosis of the current state of political-ideological work in young people and the treatment given to them from the University by teachers, in the theoretical foundation of the investigated problem, in the design of the proposed system of activities, as well as establishing the links and the relationship between the elements addressed.

  • Modeling: Its use allowed making a representation of the proposed system.

Methods of the empirical level

  • Documentary study: In order to make an analysis of the content of the study plans and programs of the subjects, mainly in the Accountability career, in order to verify the treatment of aspects related to political-ideological work in young people.

  • Interview applied to young people: used to receive information from the sample strata about the treatment of the political-ideological work that is worked on in young university students, based on the development of different activities.

  • Interview with teachers: used to receive information about the treatment of political-ideological work in activities carried out by the center, based on the criteria of the people who conceive, organize and execute them.

  • Observation of activities organized by the center and the career: depending on determining the topics that are addressed and the routes that are proposed.

As can be seen in the aforementioned, everything is closely related to the strengthening of values and fundamentally it is based on the activity system.


Of 38 teachers, 30 were surveyed, representing 78.94% with the following objectives: to know the perception of the need for a system of activities related to political-ideological work and to identify the learning needs. Its application confirmed the need to apply a system of activities with students, an opinion supported by 96.9% of the teachers surveyed. The ideological political work developed in the center confirms the relevance of including the system of activities that contribute to the political-ideological work in the students. However, they corroborate the need to capture in the activity system a group of topics that are necessary to know at the present time.

Of those surveyed, 100 % confirm that the actions carried out in previous years have not led to the realization of effective political-ideological work by teachers. The foregoing confirms the validity of the activities proposed in the system, which lead to the fulfillment of the proposed objective.

The actions carried out in previous years are characterized by being unsystematic, limiting the protagonist participation of the students.

The absence in the University Center of a system of activities in which the protagonist participation of the students prevailed was found. A system of activities to contribute to the political-ideological work was developed to respond to the problem identified.

In the observations made to the activities of political-ideological work, an integrative conception of political-ideological work is not observed, the lack of a systemic conception that allows consciously working this in an integral way as part of the educational and political Ideological work strategy of the Municipal University Center persists.

A total of 52 CPE students from the Accounting and Finance career were surveyed, the results were as follows:

  • The participation of students in the political ideological activities planned in the institution is still insufficient, mainly due to difficulties in planning.

  • It is not guaranteed from the career, a systematic work in relation to the exit to ideological political work through curricular and extracurricular means.

System of activities that contribute to Political-ideological work in students

Activity 1: Characteristics and essence of contemporary capitalism and the problems of the Third World countries

Objective: To demonstrate the superiority of socialism and the unfeasibility of capitalism to solve the problems that the world presents today such as hunger, lack of medical assistance, unemployment, violence, insecurity, like many others that have no solution under this regime. .

Methodological guidelines: the teacher will develop a workshop on the subject so that the student can characterize capitalism and socialism


  1. Make a search in the press about the capitalist and socialist system

    1. How are both systems different?

    2. Give examples

    3. Why is the socialist system superior to the capitalist one?

    4. Make a historical analysis about what capitalism has meant for Cuba, making a comparison with the situation after 1959.

Activity 2: The economic battle of the Cuban people.

Objective: Raise the economic culture of students, promoting the understanding and participation of students in the process of gradual and systematic recovery of the economy, demonstrating the efforts made by the country to guarantee their studies.

Methodological guidelines: the teacher responsible for the classroom will guide his students to review the documents of the VII Party Congress related to the economic battle so that they can investigate how it manifests itself and from the knowledge received, they will know how to characterize the updating process through a seminar.


  1. with the help of your teacher:

    1. Make a search for the documents of the VII Congress referring to economic policy. Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development. Bases of the National Plan for Economic and Social Development until 2030: Vision of the Nation, Axes and Strategic Sectors. Describe its content.

    2. How is it manifested in the territory? Do you research the Municipal Development Strategy?

    3. How has the blockade affected Cuba and the territory in particular?

Activity 3: Legal culture.

Objective: To develop attitudes in relation to the sensitivity of students aimed at guaranteeing knowledge and strict compliance with the Constitution of the Republic, as well as other legal provisions.

Methodological guidelines: the teacher, through a set of guidelines, will ask the student to identify the legal rules and thus he has to propose measures for it.


  1. There has been a discussion about the need for the observance of legality in the sphere of society.

    1. Give examples regarding compliance with current regulations.

    2. What is the law of laws?

    3. Explain the importance of your knowledge for Cuban society.

    4. To what extent must we comply with the legislation?

    5. Why is knowledge of the laws important for your future profession?

    6. What measures can we take to avoid violating the legislation?

Activity 4: Knowledge of environmental problems

Objective: Explain the causes, factors and activities that negatively affect and endanger the environment given by the uncertainty shaped by the irresponsible policies of the first world countries and the irrational consumerism that has led to a climate change with unpredictable consequences for the humanity.

Methodological orientations: the teacher guides students who investigate environmental problems at the global, regional, national, provincial or local level in the press or other media to contribute to the preservation of the environment.


  1. What is the environment?

  2. What problems are manifested at the global, regional, national, provincial and local levels?

  3. Why is environmental protection necessary today more than ever?

  4. What are the Consequences of Climate Change and how are they manifested in Cuba?

  5. What Measures should be taken to mitigate the Consequences of Climate Change?

  6. What is the life task?

Activity 5:

Knowledge of the History of Cuba and the work of Marti

Objective: Explain the importance of the History of Cuba and the work of Marti, as well as the need for their dissemination

Methodological guidelines: students are directed to search for content related to the history of Cuba before and after the Revolution, as well as elements related to the work of Marti.


  1. Look for articles, documents of the History of Cuba and José Martí to answer:

    1. Determine the historical context in which the document is made, class positions of the author.

    2. Search for information about terms, facts or characters that are unknown to you.

    3. Carry out a study reading of the document.

    4. Determine the essential ideas that are covered in the document.

    5. Relate the results of the study with previous knowledge.

    6. Compare documents that refer to the same topic and reach conclusions.

    7. Assess the importance of the document.

    8. How important is the knowledge of history for your future profession?

Activity 6: Preparation for the defense of the socialist homeland.

Objective: Explain the importance of imperialism's aggressiveness towards the Cuban Revolution, which makes it essential that young people as well as all the people are prepared for it.

Methodological orientations: students must search the press for elements related to the defense of the homeland and the aggressiveness of imperialism towards the Cuban Revolution.


  1. Make a search in the press about articles related to the defense of the country against aggressions from abroad.

    1. What has it meant for Cuba?

    2. Every year the report of the draft Resolution "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba" is presented to the United Nations. Please argue the above.

    3. The country prepares every day from the defensive point of view. Support the above.

    4. Since the triumph of the Revolution the empire has tried to destroy the Revolution. Look for facts to prove it. To do this, review the Lawsuit of the Cuban people for human damages.

Activity 7: Constitution of the Republic.

Objective: To assess the importance of knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic today.

Methodological guidelines: the students


On the Constitution of the Republic, answer:

  1. When was the Constitution of the Republic approved?

  2. Why is knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic important?

  3. Why is the Constitution the law of laws?

  4. How important is the Constitutional Reform process?

  5. Make a comparison of the current Constitution of the Republic with the one approved on February 24, 1976. What new elements appear?

Activity 8. Helms-Burton Law. From its beginnings in 1996 to the present. A minimum chronology and articles published in the press.

Objective: To value the importance of knowledge of the Helms-Burton Act to promote patriotic and anti-imperialist values in students

Methodological orientations: the students will assess the application of the Helms-Burton Law through the study of press documents (articles, reflections) for Cuba.


  1. By studying the articles published in the press about the Helms-Burton Act. Answer.

    1. Who are its authors?

    2. Make a chronology

    3. Explain the impact of this Law on Cuba.

    4. What sectors has it affected?

    5. How important is it for students to know the content of the Helms-Burton Act?


Within the transformations carried out in the Center and after making a partial cut on the implementation of the activity system, it can be shown that from the passive participation of the students in the initial actions of implementation of the activity system, a qualitative leap has occurred in active participation, in as much as a change has been observed in the modes of action. It achieved:

Promote and consolidate values, strengthen the defense of the Homeland, the development of responsible behaviors in the performance of their environmental life. Constantly highlight our history and deepen the thought of Marti, the formation of a solid political culture, inform the situation that the peoples of the Third World countries are going through and reinforce anti-imperialist and Latin Americanism feeling.

Strengthen confidence in the Revolution and disseminate the main achievements of socialism in Cuba and explain the economic situation of Cuba after the disappearance of the socialist field and its gradual recovery.

Achieve systematized information through television newscasts, which helps motivate them to search for information; it has been possible to promote knowledge meetings, contests, scientific workshops on Ideological Political Preparation and other ideas and initiatives that may arise in each group.

Through this system of activities, sessions for debate and reflection on certain topics, speeches and reflections by Fidel Castro, speeches by the main leaders of the revolution, press editorials,

Greater connection with the problems of the center and the territory as far as possible.

Commemoration of the most important ephemeris using the morning, evening and debate and reflection in the initial ten minutes of each session of the day as an essential route.

Deepening of the ideological political work of students and teachers at the career level and the Municipal University Center.

The instruments applied periodically to measure the level of satisfaction and the exchange of managers and teachers with students have been the main ways to measure the impact of educational work and the ideological political training of students, where 99% of those surveyed consider that teachers contribute to their training as revolutionary professionals committed to their national history and the updating of the Cuban Economic and Social Development Model.

With the application of the system of activities for ideological political work in the University Center, it was found that:

The system of activities for Political-Ideological Training is made up of teaching activities and taxes the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills and the education of modes of action according to the training as revolutionary professionals committed to their national history and the updating of the Cuban Economic and Social Development Model.

The proposed system of activities contributes to the objectives set out in the documents that govern the training of higher education professionals and to the main master strategy for the educational and political-ideological work of the Municipal University Center.

The political-ideological work system has been consolidated at the level of the CUM and careers, which guarantees education through instruction as the fundamental way to develop educational work, formation of values and the empowerment of modes of action.

High level of student satisfaction with the quality of their training process, with the work of coordinators, tutors and managers of the entities, which has positively influenced their professional motivation and modes of action.

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Received: October 24, 2020; Accepted: November 12, 2020

*Autor para correspondencia. Correo electrónico:

Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de intereses.

Isabel Reinoso Castillo: Concepción de la idea, coordinador de la autoría, asesoramiento general por la temática abordada, búsqueda y revisión de literatura, confección de instrumentos, aplicación de instrumentos, recopilación de la información resultado de los instrumentos aplicados, análisis estadístico, confección de base de datos, revisión de la aplicación de la norma bibliográfica aplicada, revisión y versión final del artículo, corrección del artículo.

Juan Carlos Hernández Martín: Concepción de la idea, búsqueda y revisión de literatura, confección de instrumentos, aplicación de instrumentos, recopilación de la información resultado de los instrumentos aplicados, análisis estadístico, confección de base de datos, revisión de la aplicación de la norma bibliográfica aplicada, revisión y versión final del artículo, corrección del artículo.

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