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Podium. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología en la Cultura Física

On-line version ISSN 1996-2452

Rev Podium vol.15 no.2 Pinar del Río Mayo.-Aug. 2020  Epub Aug 12, 2020


Original article

Methodological proposal for the teaching of the control guided with the sole of foot in indoor soccer

0000-0001-9532-0581Alexander Castro Figueredo1  *  , 0000-0003-2640-0291Esteban Juan Pérez Hernández2  , 0000-0002-1873-8025Héctor Noa Cuadro2 

1Universidad de Holguín, Facultad de Cultura Física, Holguín, Cuba.

2Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física, La Habana, Cuba.


The work aims to provide a working tool for teachers and coaches who teach indoor soccer in the initial or training stage, specifically at the child's age. The document describes the most essential elements of the movement or technical gesture, simple methodological steps to follow, and the most common errors that can appear during its execution. The research arises for the need to contribute to the process of teaching the orientated control of the ball with the sole of the foot in indoor soccer and states as objective: To propose a methodology that contributes to the teaching of the orientated control of the ball with the sole of the foot in the indoor soccer infantile category of Holguín. Besides, it is based on the review and analysis of previous researches principally in soccer and adapted to the indoor soccer attending to its specific characteristics, in the direct observation in the trainings and games of the infantile category in the municipality Holguín, as well as, the processing of interviews and surveys to trainers, teachers and practitioners. Therefore, it provides an option for teaching the technique of ball control oriented to children who are initiated in indoor soccer, who as systematic practitioners can learn this technique easier.

Key words: sexual diversity; female soccer; educational actions.


In modern indoor soccer, several researchers as Camps, A.; Acedo, F. J. & Rojo, J. (2008), Boada (2013), García (2013) y Beltrán (2015) state that the control with the foot is usually performed stepping the ball. For example, when it comes from a partner´s pass, they will always step the ball to have it under control. If it is not wanted to stop the ball in order it goes on the most convenient direction, it should be briefly controlled stepping it and immediately displace it with the same sole foot. This offensive technical action is known as “guided control”. And it consist on receiving the ball and at the same time let it in predisposition to chain it with next desired action. Therefore, the guided control, the ball control and its orientation is carried out in only one contact. According to these authors, to master this technical gesture is fundamental in a very rapid sport like this one, because if the palyer is sable to economize the kiks, it will allow him to get the objective before his rival Según estos autores, dominar este gesto técnico es fundamental en un deporte tan rápido como este, porque si el jugador es capaz de economizar los toques le permitirá conseguir sus objetivos antes que su rival lo imped it. It is a technical gesture that is used in the same way by the goal keepers and the players, although, as it is logicaly the players repeat more often. Coro (2020) refers that guided controls may be done with all parts of the body the rule accept, but the most used are: foot, chest and head. With the foot, the contact surface that are mainly the interior and the sole.

Csanadi (2005) suggests that targeted controls achieve two different objectives with a single touch of the ball: controlling the ball and properly guiding it to be played in the best possible conditions. Oriented ball control can even be used to pass the ball directly to a teammate, which is known in football jargon as "playing with one touch". The player gets a lot of advantage from this type of ball control if he succeeds, because it saves time and gives more speed to the game, which will help speed up the offense on the opponent's goal. But the targeted control of the ball is also going to be very useful for defensive play, as it can serve to avoid the defensive pressure of the opponent's team. In this sense, it is much easier to protect the possession of the ball if it is held for less time, so in the game it is considered a priority to release the ball as soon as possible, to force the opponent to run after the ball. In this way, targeted control of the ball will help to remove the ball from the opponent's area much more quickly and with fewer touches of the ball. With the directional control you move the ball away from the area where the opponent comes to press, allowing you to interpose your body between the opponent and the ball, as well as orienting yourself in the direction of your partner, to whom you can pass the ball before the opponent has a chance to steal it.

According to Guanche (2012), in his undergraduate thesis, there are two types of controls, simple and complex (oriented control). The first is done by cushioning the ball in place and the second allows the ball to be controlled through a turn, facing the desired area to perform a new technical action.

Nowadays, in modern indoor soccer, it has become clear that the intention is to play a quick game with as little ball retention as possible by a player, something that has not been done properly so far. This has been demonstrated in practice through direct observation of games in international, national, provincial and municipal championships.

In the province of Holguín, despite the fact that in the last years a good performance has been shown in the competitive field, both physical and tactical, and this has allowed to be included among the 8 first places of the country, it is known by the specialists in charge of the preparations and directions of these groups that in the technical order they exclude within the planning the oriented control leaving it to the possibilities of mobility in the field of each player during the exercises and games.

The exploratory processes of the diagnosis used to characterize the situation of the technique in the athletes of Indoor soccer of the infantile category of the municipality Holguín, related to the use of the oriented control with the sole of the foot, has allowed to compile a valuable information that makes possible to illustrate with clarity the detected deficiencies by means of the following scientific evidences:

  • Practitioners rarely use the sole of their foot to control the ball, thus preventing the required speed of action.

  • Little effectiveness of the oriented control because the next action is not defined.

  • Incorrect adoption of the position of the body during the reception with the sole of the foot.

  • Lack of coordination between the movements with the ball and the future action.

The application of instruments and the experience of the author reveal the existence of other limitations, both theoretical and practical, in relation to the technical element of targeted control.

  • Scarce bibliography related to the term oriented control.

  • Insufficient planning of training, based on the technique of foot control.

  • Lack of specificity in the teaching programs of the technical element oriented control.

All of the above leads the authors to declare the following as a scientific problem: how can we contribute to the process of teaching the ball control with the sole of the foot in the Indoor soccer children's category in Holguin? In order to give solution to the raised problem it is proposed like objective to propose a methodology that contributes to the teaching of the oriented control of the ball with the foot sole in the Indoor soccer infantile category of Holguín.

Materials and methods

From the theoretical level

The historical-logical method established the relationship with the history of Indoor soccer in its historical development until the technique of oriented control. The analytical-synthetic method allowed the decomposition of the phenomenon, in the technical phases of the oriented control, allowing a casuistic analysis of the elements that compose it, that is to say, the position of the body, the damping and position of the foot in the moment of the arrival, then the integration is made, allowing its relation and characteristics. The inductive-deductive method made it possible to combine the movements of the particular to the general, in this case from a simple control of the ball to other chained actions such as driving, passing, shooting, etc.

Del nivel empírico

Direct observation methods were used, which made it possible to reveal a group of information on the phenomenon under research, determined in advance, by preparing a guide or plan of observations that will make it possible to control the results. The surveys and interviews allowed for the collection of information on the problem posed and the opinions of practitioners and specialists, related to the training teaching processes, in the technique of the oriented control they receive.

A purposeful sample of 12 male indoor soccer players from the children's category of the Holguín municipality was used, taking into account as an inclusion criterion that all can enhance the guided control during a game. They represent 100 % of the population.

A study of four cup matches between sports teams was carried out. An observation guide was prepared for this research, which aimed to evaluate the performance of the controls with the sole of the foot under playing conditions.

The present work constitutes a contribution to the process of teaching-learning, specifically of the technique of the oriented control of the ball with the sole of the foot, contributing to the knowledge of aspects few treated in the Cuban Indoor soccer in previous studies.

Results and discussion

During the bibliographic search, the specialized sources, publications, newspapers, articles, teaching programs of Indoor soccer sport in Cuba, the basic national bibliography of Football were reviewed: Csanadi (2005) and Talaga (1989), together with the necessary support from Internet searches, highlighting authors such as Beltrán (2015), Marcos (2010), Palau (2005), Camps, Acedo and Rojo (2008), Suárez (2012), Cortés (2014), Candelas (2012) , Boada (2013) and García (2013); which provide innovative elements for the development of this sport. It was possible to appreciate that, in this last one, details related to the technical element oriented control appear, contributing together with the results thrown, to a better clarification and planning of a coherent methodology for the teaching of this technical element.

An interview was applied to the investigated sample and it was shown that the children (100 %) do not know what the technique of oriented control consists of, eight assure to have practiced in the trainings the reception with the sole of the foot for 67 %, five indicate that they dominate the change of direction with the ball for 42 %, and the 12 the reception and pass are determinant elements in the speed of the game and they train it for 100 %.

A survey was made to two coaches who work with the children's category in the municipality of Holguin. In the question related to the definition of ball control as a technical element, both answered correctly, representing 100 %. In the knowledge of the types of controls of the ball they both indicate the existence of simple and compound controls, without mentioning the oriented control showing ignorance, which represents 0 %, they associated the term to administrative and methodological indicators and they do not train it as technical element of indoor soccer, representing 100 %. The 100 % raise that in the educational programs they are not guided on the soccer technique of the guided control and they totally ignore the advantages that the guided control offers with respect to the simple or classic controls, these represent a 0 %.

The observation guide has as objective to know if the studied technical action is used when the ball that approaches and does not come comfortable to pass it of first intention within a forced situation of game where the pressure of the opponent causes that the player perceives, decides and executes the control taking advantage of his position. For this purpose, an analysis of the technical elements of interest was made separately during the observation of four games, and the following was detected (Table 1).

Table 1 - Analysis of the technical elements of interest separately during the observation of four sets 

Reception with the sole of the foot, control, turn and pass 34 28 54.8
Reception with the sole of the foot, control, turning and driving 45 19 70.3
Reception with the sole of the foot, control, turn and pull 14 17 45.2
One-Touch Premium Pass 56 44 56
Total 149 108 58

As can be seen in the table above, four complex actions were controlled that materialize during the game and are related to the sole-oriented control technique. They are observed by hundreds of low because there are many negative actions related mainly to bad reception with the sole of the foot, losses of the ball, bad passes and shots outside the goal.

Methodological proposal for teaching technique Fundamentals of indoor soccer oriented control

Guanche (2012) proposes that,

"Control is to get hold of the ball, master it and leave it in the right conditions to be played immediately with a later action. There are several types of control (stop, semi-stop, cushioning, etc.) but the most interesting is the oriented control, whose purpose is to control and guide the ball at the same time by means of a single contact. You can use any part of the body allowed".

Similarly, Cortés (2014) states that,

"In today's indoor soccer the most important is with the sole of the foot, as it achieves perfect and quick control to provide a technical benefit to the team."

Returning to Guanche (2012), he points out that there are a number of principles to bear in mind when it comes to controlling the sole of the foot, which he states as follows:

  • Attacking the ball, instead of waiting for it.

  • Providing security on the sole of the foot (contact surface) involved.

  • Total relaxation at the moment of contact.

  • Before making the control, the player should orient himself of his position and that of the opponent, deciding immediately the subsequent action that he wants to make.

Since control presupposes possession of the ball Salamanca (2012) also considers that its execution will depend on the possibility of releasing or scoring, wide or small space, adequate accompaniment and support to one of his companions, as well as the tactical convenience of doing so. The offensive or defensive control will be a technical-tactical condition for the speed of the action as a whole. It is important to control the ball and leave it with a single touch in favorable conditions for later action, both for your own benefit and for the benefit of a teammate.

Being able to control with any part of the body, there are many ways to do it, but the most important is with the sole of the foot, because it is the one that is done more times during the games.

The control with the sole of the foot must be executed with a high level of precision, in order to occupy the space of progression optimally (Example: if the ball is badly oriented, a new contact is used to execute the action). It is important to give the ball the right amount of power, so that it can be coordinated with the ball (e.g. if the ball is too short, a new contact is needed and the speed of execution is reduced, while if the ball is too long, there is a risk of losing control and it will not be possible to perform the action). From a morphological point of view, during the execution of the ball, joints such as the coxofemoral, the patella and important muscles such as the sartorius, popliteus, abdominal muscles, as well as the twin and soleus, the muscular set of the quadriceps femoris, as well as the long and short flexors of the toes, are involved. It is essential to have a good perception of time and space, to maintain total concentration on each detail for the technical execution and to have a good imagination to solve with creativity changing situations that may arise in the game.

Advantages over classic controls

  • The ball is controlled and it is given the game more speed.

  • It is done to chain other actions.

  • Is done with a contact to deflect the ball to a teammate or leave it ready for a later action.

  • It is done with different parts of the body such as the inside of the foot, chest, thigh and head.

Aguilar (2019) in his bachelor thesis states that,

"The technical element of sole control is a step forward in modern indoor soccer, its greatest value lies in the adaptability it has at different times in the game, it is used to receive the ball in a targeted manner and then pass to a teammate or to drive through a space or shoot at a goal.

Functional morpho-description of the plantar muscles

The muscles of the sole of the foot can be divided into three planes: deep, medium and superficial. The deep plane is innervated by the lateral plantar nerve branch of the tibial nerve, the dorsal and plantar interosseous which participate in the flexion and extension of the foot, and abduction and adduction of the toes, with the axis of the foot (second toe) as a reference. The opposing muscle of the little toe that tracts in the plantar and medial direction. The main movement of the technique is the dorsal flexion, movement of approaching the back of the foot to the front of the leg and its range of motion is 0 to 20 degrees.

Description of the oriented control with the foot sole

According to Guanche (2012), he states that,

"The player performs the movement looking for the ball in anticipation of its arrival, the support leg is semi-flexed at the knee and ankle, the one that receives the ball is always carried forward looking for the ball and the foot making a dorsal flexion (in a position as if it were the support of the accelerator of a car) so that the sole of the foot makes contact with the ball in its totality without reaching the heel and in turn presses it against the surface of the ground cushioning the impact until total control is achieved so that it can be pulled or pushed in the desired direction simultaneously with a moving turn that can be continued with a drive, pass or shot at goal. This movement is done in a coordinated and continuous manner".

In short, the player will be able to say that he has acceptable sole control of the ball when he is able to:

  • Always keep a balanced body position and protect the ball from the opponents.

  • To guide the ball wherever he wants according to his own intentions.

  • Carrying the ball with the sole of your foot and with a deliberate aim.

  • Receiving and directing the ball gently but decisively in continuous action.

Methodological steps to be followed

  • Morphofunctional description of the technique and importance by the coach (leaning on plates, photos, schemes and videos, etc.).

  • Explanation and demonstration of the technical element by the trainer.

  • Imitation of the technique by the practitioners.

  • Individual, standing ball, falling one step, leaning the sole of the foot on the ball and pulling it back by pressing it, followed by a smooth movement of half a turn of the body to one side and the other alternating with the other foot (6 to 8 repetitions).

  • In pairs, at a distance of two meters, at a standing ball, at the drop of a step, rest the sole of the foot on the ball and pull it back by pressing it, followed by a smooth movement of half a turn of the body in the direction of the teammate, letting the ball roll to him (6 to 8 repetitions with both feet).

  • In pairs, at a distance of four meters, at a standing ball, when falling one step, rest the sole of the foot on the ball and pull it back by pressing it, followed by a smooth movement of half a turn of the body hitting it with the inside of the opposite foot in the direction of the partner (6 to 8 repetitions with both feet).

  • In trios, one in the center, at a distance of four meters from each, receives the ball in a flush motion from one end, anticipating its arrival will rest the sole of the foot on the ball and pull it back by pressing it, followed by a smooth movement of half a turn of the body hitting it with the inside of the opposite foot in the direction of the partner who will return it to execute the same action looking for the other partner (6 to 8 repetitions with both feet in continuous play).

  • In trios, one in the center, at a distance of six meters from each other, receives the ball in a flush movement from one end, anticipating his arrival he will rest the sole of his foot on the ball and pull it back by pressing it, followed by a smooth movement of half a turn of the body leading it with the inside of the foot towards the team-mate up to a distance of two meters making the pass so that the latter returns it to him to execute the same action looking for the other team-mate. (6 to 8 repetitions with both feet in continuous play).

  • In duos, one depending on the pivot, at a distance of six meters from each one, the pivot that is in the nine meters zone receives the ball in a flush movement, anticipating his arrival he will rest the sole of his foot on the ball pressing it during the cushioning and pulling it towards the direction selected by him, followed by a gentle half-turn of the body driving it with the inside of the foot towards the goal up to a distance of 6 meters making the shot at goal or making the pass to his partner who accompanies him after the initial pass, so that he is the one to execute the shot (6 to 8 repetitions with both feet in continuous play).

  • Game with tasks in reduced terrain whose main objective is to carry out the control oriented with the sole of the foot.

Most common errors

  • Waiting for the ball instead of attacking it.

  • Receiving with the sole of the foot stiffening the control of the ball.

  • Directing the ball abruptly and without a goal. Showing yourself rigid at the moment of contact.

  • Poor orientation of the player, before making the control, of his position and that of the opponent.

  • Making imprecise decisions immediately after the action you wish to take. Unbalanced body position causing the ball to be unprotected from the opponents.

  • Making unnecessary pauses during the execution of the movement.

The analysis of the theoretical references found that there are numerous authors who have dealt with the subject researched, however, there is a lack of teaching and learning about the oriented control of the ball with the sole of the foot. The same contributes to look for a second moment inside the contact with the ball that allows the player to carry out very exact movements, simplifying time and effort so much individual, group and collaborative in function of the team game, offering a work tool when presenting the description of the technique, methodological steps for its teaching and more common errors to be able to raise the technical level in practitioners of indoor soccer infantile category of Holguín.

Referencias bibliográficas

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Received: November 14, 2019; Accepted: April 04, 2020

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